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ORDINANCE 2022- 013 <br />the boatsl lift, consistent with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) <br />and other jurisdictional agency requirements. Such shelters are not included in the square <br />footage calculation of a terminal platform. Unwalled shelters on a private observation/fishing <br />pier shall not exceed one hundred sixty (160) square feet; and <br />4. The height of the unwalled shelter shall not exceed twenty (20) feet above the mean high water <br />line. <br />(b) Extension of docks, public piers, and private observation/fishing piers in waterways; generally. <br />1. Docks, including tie -off piles, mooring or dolphin poles, and public piers shall not project <br />outward from the shore more than twenty-five (25) percent of the width of the waterway at a <br />point where they are located. The outward projection of a dock and associated structures shall <br />be measured from the water's edge at mean low tide. The location, dimensions, and structural <br />character of all structures shall be in conformity with applicable federal and state jurisdictional <br />agency regulations. <br />2. Private observation/fishing piers shall not project outward from the shore more twenty-five <br />(25) percent of the width of the waterway at a point where the fishing pier is located, or thirty- <br />five (35) feet beyond the shoreline, whichever is less. The outward projection of an <br />observation/fishing pier shall be measured from the water's edge at mean low tide. The <br />location, dimensions, and structural character of all structures shall be in conformity with <br />applicable federal and state jurisdictional agency regulations. <br />(c) [Exceptions.] Application of paragraphs in "b" above shall not result in a unobstructed waterway of <br />less than twenty-five (25) feet in width (twelve and one-half (12%2) feet either side of the waterway <br />centerline). <br />(4) Riparian side yard setback encroachment prohibited. No dock, pier, boat shelter or other waterfront <br />structure may encroach on a required riparian side yard setback as extended waterward for the zoning <br />district in which the project is located, unless such an encroachment is necessary for the utilization of <br />riparian rights. Notwithstanding, an applicant shall have an opportunity to apply for an administrative <br />approval to construct a water front structure within a riparian side yard setback, under the following <br />circumstances. <br />(a) Shared facilities. Adjoining property owners desiring to share dock/boat slip facilities may apply for <br />administrative approval pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 914. The applicants shall provide a <br />detailed plan showing the dock location and configuration and all aquatic and shoreline vegetation. If <br />approved, shared facilities may allow for up to four (4) or less boat slips without being considered <br />multi -slip facilities. The applicant(s) shall also provide written confirmation of a recorded access <br />easement which verifies joint access to the proposed structure. Adjoining property owners sharing <br />dock boat/slip facilities shall not be permitted to construct additional, separate dock/boat slip facilities <br />prior to the removal of the existing structure. Encroachment of the shared facility may only occur with <br />regards to the adjoining property owner's shared lot lines. <br />(b) Hardships. In cases where lot configurations may create a hardship as applied to riparian side yard <br />setback encroachment of single-family dock/boat slips, the applicant may apply for administrative <br />approval pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 914. The applicant shall provide a detailed plan <br />indicating the nature of the hardship as well as the proposed dock location, specifications and any <br />aquatic or shoreline vegetation. County staff shall notify any affected adjacent property owner, as <br />applicable, of the pending application. In all cases, the proposed encroachment shall be the minimum <br />necessary to allow for the desired use. <br />(c) Environmental constraints. In cases where environmental conditional on a subject property are such <br />that the location of a dock or other waterfront structure within a riparian side yard setback would afford <br />the best protection of on-site natural resources, an applicant may apply for and be granted an <br />administrative approval pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 914. Natural resources that warrant <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Strike dwouglr: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\Steven Hitt\LDR Amendment\2022020086-91934\BCC\2022-_932.07(3) Proposed Ordinance.docx <br />