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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final July 13, 2022 <br />Budget included twenty-eight (28) full-time sworn deputies to cover road <br />patrol and the jail. Sheriff Flowers stated as far as recruitments, there were <br />twelve (12) new employees just sworn in and thanked Governor DeSantis for <br />enacting a bill which allows a $5,000 bonus for law enforcement officers <br />coming from outside the State, and up to a $1,000 bonus for people attending <br />the academy. <br />Chairman O'Bryan recognized the success of the license plate reader <br />cameras, stating the deputies had some real success with catching the <br />individuals when entering the County, and could respond before they have a <br />chance to do any harm or damage. Sheriff Flowers recalled several instances <br />where the license plate readers helped apprehend individuals, a murder <br />suspect, and the recovery of stolen vehicles in the County. Chairman <br />O'Bryan wanted the public to know the County has a great relationship with <br />the Sheriffs Office and was able to come together with an agreement on the <br />Budget. <br />Commissioner Adams received clarification from Sheriff Flowers that the <br />budget included a seven (7%) percent pay increase for employees. She <br />sought and received information there would be increased presence of road <br />patrol deputies to help with traffic issues, safety concerns and speeding <br />violations. Sheriff Flowers invited constituents to come forward to the <br />department and voice their concerns. <br />Vice Chairman Earman commended the Sheriff and his staff for working with <br />the County, the comradery, and keeping the door open so the County was <br />aware of what was occurring in the Sheriff s Office. <br />County Attorney Dylan Reingold commented that he attended monthly calls <br />with the Florida Association of County Attorneys and spoke on how fortunate <br />the County was for their relationship with the Sheriffs Office. <br />Sheriff Flowers showed a video of what it was like in a day of being a <br />Sheriffs Deputy. <br />Commissioner Moss stated she received complaints from the community on <br />drugs being sold in different areas of the community and the Sheriffs <br />Department was very responsive. <br />The Chairman opened the floor for public comments; there were none. <br />22-0547 <br />Attachments: Constituitonals <br />Indian River County Florida Page 6 <br />