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declared \pt1hcant 11001% %%.uses an% rights and all claims IM d,un,rrtr', az:nn.l Ihc• <br />Counts that mars rc.ult born file cxercIse of the right: rescr%cd herein <br />(1) represents and warrants to the l'ounty that Applicant's cmplosco. in%rtce,, lrccnsecs. <br />contractor',. assiiTnces. contestants, exhibitors and lvil'ormers h, their speech gong, riursre. <br />conduct or manner %sill not violate or Incite other% to cwlate att statute, las%, ordinance, <br />rule. regulation or order of any lcdetal,. slate, municipal of other go\ernincntal authorils <br />I 1 1 he Count\ and its otlicers. agents and employees engaged in the operation and maintenance of <br />the Premises resenc the right to enter upon and to have free access to the Premises at any and all <br />times. which rescnation rs herchs acknowledged and agreed to by Applicant. <br />121 Applicant releases and tixfeits any right of action against the County, or its members, officials, <br />employees and agents from any liabilities. claims for damages, losses, and costs which arise out <br />of or in connection with the Event and to the fullest extent permitted by law, inderrimlics, <br />defends and sages the County and County's members, officials, officers, employees and agents <br />harmless (1) against all liability, claims for damages, and suits for or by reason of any injury to <br />any person. including death, and damage to any property for every cause in any way connected <br />with the I?ycnt irrespectisc of negligence, actual or claimed, upon the part of the County, its <br />agents and employees. except where caused by the willful and wanton acts of County officials, <br />olficers, employees and agents, and (2) from all expenses incurred by the County for police <br />protection, fire protection and emergency medical services, restoration and clean up, sanitation <br />and maintenance costs and expenses that are required to preserve public order and protect public <br />health, welfare and safety on the Premises of the Event. <br />13. At least 30 days prior to the license Duration, the Applicant shall, without limiting Applicant's <br />liability submit certificates of insurance naming "Indian River County, FL" as additional insured <br />and shall: <br />-Procure and maintain at Applicant's sole expense, insurance of the types, coverages and amounts not less <br />than stated below' <br />Schedule <br />Limits <br />Commercial General Liability - No more restrictive $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Combined <br />than ISO Form C6000 (including property damage, Single Limit <br />personal injury, products ' comp. ups. agg., premises, <br />operations, and blanket contractual liability, and host <br />liquor liability) <br />(T lie County and County's members, officials, officers, employees and agents, shall he named as <br />additional insureds under all of the above Commercial General Liability coverage). <br />Fiirgroenrh LiClIn.%e Agreearent Page 6 of /_' <br />lnitial>�L��. <br />