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EXHIBIT A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2022-23 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: Miss B's Learning Bees Inc. <br />Address: 4736 34th Ave, Vero Beach, FL, 32967, US <br />Executive Director: LaToya Bullard <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 713-4130 <br />Program Director: LaToya Bullard <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 713-4130 <br />Program(s) Name: Community Outreach Academic Enrichment Program (COAEP) <br />Focus Area(s): Quality Academic Remediation and Enrichment <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />Project COAEP addresses the need for quality remediation and enrichment program at <br />neighborhood hubs within high poverty communities. The program targets children in grades K- <br />12 that assist them in reaching and/ or maintaining proficiency in the areas of reading and math. <br />The purpose of the program is to increase the number of economically disadvantaged students <br />that are proficient in the areas of reading and math. <br />To assist in reaching proficiency, Project COAEP provides quality enrichment services in the after- <br />school program four days a week. The program is currently held at our neighborhood hubs two <br />days a week at the Intergenerational Center and two days a week at the West Wabasso Outreach <br />Center, and two days online in Zoom. Access to the program is provided by students who walk <br />from nearby schools, parent drop off and others whom we through the transportation program. It <br />provides transportation from school, to the neighborhood hub, and then home. Project COAEP <br />also offers a food component - all students receive a healthy snack and substantial meal each <br />day they attend the program. <br />Academic support is provided using an online learning program called IXL. IXL is used as a <br />progress monitoring system. It assesses students utilizing state standards to assist with reaching <br />proficiency. The program also utilizes iReady to monitor student growth. Students are provided a <br />diagnostic in the beginning. It is then tracked using the continuous diagnostic, which assists in <br />monitoring student growth throughout the year. The post assessment consists of data collected <br />by the iReady Diagnostic 3 and IXL. <br />Project COAEP also provides the Summer Learning program. The Summer Learning program is <br />a robust, fun, and engaging camp that assists with proficiency by continuing learning to reduce <br />summer slide amongst our most at -risk population. The Summer Learning program is different <br />than the afterschool program as we focus on preventing learning loss. The program continues to <br />utilize IXL but, hone in on skills taught throughout the school year to help ensure mastery. For <br />