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EXHIBIT A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2022-23 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: Pelican Island Audubon Society <br />Address: P.O. Box 1833, Vero Beach, FL, 32961, US <br />Executive Director: Donna Halleran <br />Email: <br /> <br />Phone: <br />(772) 567-3520 <br />Program Director: <br />Bonnie Swanson <br />Email: <br /> <br />Phone: <br />(772) 567-3520 <br />Program(s) Name: <br />Audubon Advocates Afterschool Lagoon Science Program <br />Focus Area(s): <br />Quality Academic Remediation and Enrichment <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />Our program is about children, about their empowerment, about being disconnected from nature, <br />and the mental health of students, teachers and families. PIAS will continue our initiative to manage <br />a campaign to combat nature deficit disorder among K through -12th grade students in Indian River <br />County, with the focus on disadvantaged students and their families. We will continue our tuition - <br />free, after-school lagoon science education program for 5th graders that serves four Title 1 schools. <br />We will continue our Audubon Adventure Camp for at -risk 6th -12th graders drawn from across the <br />county to provide programs during school breaks and weekends. <br />In response to the Covid-19 pandemic we modified our program to take the PIAS environmental <br />educator to the schools, rather than have students coming to Audubon House. Now it is safe to <br />resume our seventh year of the program at Audubon House lagoon science center. We have also <br />merged other Audubon programs — Trees for Life and Plants for Birds, with the school programs. <br />And as a further enlargement we are partnering with Pelican Island Elementary School, designated <br />as the county's environmental science school, to develop science curricula for all K -5th graders, with <br />the long -term goal of offering these curricula to all schools in the county. Our goal is to provide the <br />benefits of an outdoor exploratory experience to more students by enhancing the environment of <br />their campuses and giving them the chance to interact with scientist role models. These experiences <br />will open their minds to new possibilities for future careers and get them away from computer screens <br />and out of doors. <br />Our program engages a large, diverse audience, more teachers and Audubon members and we will <br />continue to reach new families and adults across the county. Our program includes almost a quarter <br />of all 5th graders in our four south county schools -- 104 out of a total of 433 fifth graders enrolled in <br />our four participating schools. The projected number of unduplicated children to be served is two <br />hundred fifty-one (251) and four hundred (400) adults. <br />