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EXHIBIT A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2022-23 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: <br />Address: <br />Executive Director: <br />Email: <br />Phone: <br />Program Director: <br />Email: <br />Phone: <br />Program(s) Name: <br />Focus Area(s): <br />Substance Awareness Center of IRC Inc. <br />1507 20th Street. Vero Beach, FL, 32960, US <br />Carrie Maynard -Lester <br /> <br />(772) 770-4811 <br />Jill Amos <br /> <br />(772) 770-4811 <br />1 — Universal School Based Prevention; 2 — ReDirect Indicated Prevention <br />Addressing Risky Youth Behavior <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />1 - LlfeSkills Training (LST) is delivered to all students at Sebastian Charter Junior High totaling 30 weeks <br />of prevention programming. We target elementary grades through summer camps at all three Boys and <br />Girls Club locations, Youth Guidance, Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Dasie Hope, and Feed the <br />Lambs. The elementary curriculum is 8 lessons. The program teaches Personal Self -Management Skills, <br />General Social Skills, and Resistance Skills. Facilitators use a combination of interactive teaching <br />techniques including demonstration, facilitation of behavioral rehearsal (practice), feedback and <br />reinforcement, and guiding students in practicing the skills outside of the classroom setting. Prevention <br />Plus Wellness (PPW) SPORT, module will be delivered to students in grades 6th -8th, the Marijuana and <br />Vaping modules will also be delivered in grades 7th and 8th. All 9th grade students will receive PPW <br />Vaping. PPW modules are evidence based motivational interventions that integrate substance abuse <br />prevention with health promotion. The aim is to help youth improve physical fitness, nutrition, and sleep <br />habits, and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. It has a cognitive behavioral theoretical orientation and <br />is based on the Integrative Behavior -Image Model. The PPW modules specifically address the risk factors <br />"low perception of risk" as identified by FYSAS data as well as the higher than statewide averages in <br />substance use behavior. PPW is taught at the four main SDIRC middle schools, FLC, SRHS, and SCJHS. <br />Ericka's Lighthouse (ELH) is a teen depression and suicide prevention program delivered to all SDIRC <br />6th and 9th grade students. Students learn to recognize warning signs for depression, how to get help <br />for themselves or a friend, strategies for good mental health and ways to manage stress. ELH is delivered <br />in all four main SDIRC middle schools, SCJHS, FLC, and SRHS. EverFi is an evidence based mental <br />wellness curriculum. Lessons are taught in grades 6th -9th. EverFi lessons are taught at all four SDIRC <br />middle schools. SAC delivers evidence based, universal prevention in the classroom of a core curriculum <br />to ensure broadest reach in addition we extend our reach into afterschool and summer camps. All of the <br />lessons taught across the three curriculum reinforce the skills and topics of each other. The program also <br />has a parent component and community component using evidence based campaigns. We will train and <br />distribute evidence based prevention messaging throughout the school district and partner agencies. The <br />messaging includes Talk They Hear You, No Ones House, Use Only As Directed, Most Teens Don't and <br />Friday Night Done Right. <br />The projected number of unduplicated children to be served is five thousand, five hundred (5,500). <br />