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Exhibit A <br />CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />2022-23 GRANT APPLICATION <br />Agency Name: T. T. Hardy Online News Corp. D/B/A Vero Communique <br />Address: 1955 Bridgepoint Circle, Unit 74, Vero Beach, FL, 32960, US <br />Executive Director: Thomas Hardy <br />Email: <br />Phone: (781) 635-2251 <br />Program Director: Thomas Hardy <br />Email: <br />Phone: (772) 635-2251 <br />Program(s) Name: The Young Journalist <br />Focus Area(s): Quality Academic Remediation and Enrichment <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: <br />Education research data has shown that reading at age seven was a key factor in <br />determining whether students went on to get a high-income job, having better housing <br />and more professional roles in adulthood. We seek to improve the quality of both <br />childhood reading and writing, through our innovative curricula and research based <br />pedagogical standards, as well as the design of imaginative play materials and learning <br />environments. Our mentors teach the "tools" of journalism: email, online research, <br />copying and pasting in Word, citing sources, downloading publishable images, creating a <br />news broadcast, proper sentence structure, paraphrasing, grammar, punctuation, <br />vocabulary and most importantly, conceptualizing how the research will become a <br />published article. <br />The Young Journalist is a free offering of the School District of Indian River County <br />"Extended Day" Program. Classes are held in the computer labs at each elementary <br />school two or three days a week from 4:00-5:00 PM. <br />The projected number of unduplicated children to be served is ninety-one (91). <br />