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ORDINANCE 2022- 014 <br />SECTION #3: <br />Creating LDR Section 971.13(6), Automobile parking and storage; as follows: <br />971.13. — Commercial Uses. <br />(6) Automobile parking and storage (administl-ative permit). <br />(a) Districts requiring administrative permit approval, (pursuant to the provisions of Section <br />971.04): PRO, OCR MED, CN, CL. <br />(b) Additional information requirements: <br />1. A site plan meeting all of the requirements of Chapter 914; <br />(c) Criteria for automobile parking and storage: <br />1. All driveways, drive aisles, vehicle maneuvering areas, and parking spaces shall be paved <br />with asphalt or concrete as outlined in Sections 954.10(1) or (2) and shall meet the <br />dimensional standards and design criteria outlined in Section 954.07; <br />2. No commercial vehicles, as defined in County Code Section 901.03, boats, or recreational <br />vehicles shall be parked or stored in the PRO, OCR MED, CN, or CL zoning districts; <br />3. Commercial or "pay -to -park" facilities are prohibited in the PRO, OCR, MED, CN, or CL <br />zoning districts; <br />4. Lighting plans shall be provided (and implemented) which demonstrate that no "spill over" <br />from exterior light sources shall fall onto either local roadways or residential zoning districts <br />that are adjacent to the project site; <br />5. A Type "C" buffer with a three (3) foot tall opaque feature shall be provided between all <br />automobile parking and storage areas and any adjacent residentially designated property; <br />6. Standard perimeter landscaping reguil•ements shall apply to all other project perimeters; <br />7. All remote or freestanding automobile parking and storage sites that serve an adiacent site <br />shall be connected via an existing or proposed sidewalk/pedestrian system; <br />SECTION #4: SEVERABILITY <br />If any clause, section or provision of this Ordinance shall be declared by a court of competent <br />jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid for any cause or reason, the same shall be eliminated <br />from this Ordinance and the remaining portion of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and <br />be as valid as if such invalid portion thereof had not been incorporated therein. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Stere dwouglr: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />