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ORDER NO. PSC-2022-0358A-FOF-EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20210015 -El <br />17:T"A <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION <br />In re: Petition for rate increase by Florida DOCKET NO. 20210015 -EI <br />Power & Light Company. <br />PROPOSED STIPULATIONS <br />ISSUE 1: What was the 30 -year U. S. Treasury Bond yield rate as of August 10, 2021, the <br />date of the 2021 Settlement Agreement? <br />Stipulation: The 30 -year U.S. Treasury Bond yield rate on August 10, 2021 was 1.99 percent. <br />ISSUE 2: What is the average 30 -year U. S. Treasury Bond yield rate for the six-month <br />period February 22, 2022 through August 19, 2022? <br />Stipulation: The average 30 -year U.S. Treasury Bond yield rate for the period February 22, <br />2022 through August 19, 2022 is 2.91 percent. <br />ISSUE 3: Have the conditions stated in Section 3(b) of FPL's Commission -approved 2021 <br />Settlement Agreement been met to implement the agreed upon revision of FPL's <br />authorized ROE? <br />Stipulation: The effectiveness of the trigger provisions in Section 3 of the 2021 Settlement <br />Agreement is contingent upon the continuing validity and effectiveness of Order <br />No. PSC -2021 -0446 -S -EI, as amended by Order No. PSC -2021 -0446A -S -EI, <br />which is presently on appeal at the Florida Supreme Court. Subject to this <br />condition, the parties stipulate as follows: <br />Yes. For a period of six consecutive months following the date of filing of the <br />Settlement Agreement, the average U.S. Treasury Bond yield rate has been at <br />least 50 basis points greater than the yield rate on the date the Agreement was <br />filed. In addition, FPL has made the elective filing necessary to implement the <br />agreed upon revision to FPL's authorized ROE. <br />ISSUE 4: If the conditions allowing the agreed upon revision to FPL's authorized ROE <br />pursuant to the Commission -approved 2021 Settlement Agreement have been <br />met, what is the revised authorized ROE range, ROE midpoint, and effective date <br />pursuant to Section 3(b) of the 2021 Settlement Agreement? <br />Stipulation: The effectiveness of the trigger provisions in Section 3 of the 2021 Settlement <br />Agreement is contingent upon the continuing validity and effectiveness of Order <br />No. PSC -2021 -0446 -S -EI, as amended by Order No. PSC -2021 -0446A -S -EI, <br />T- 0 <br />