<br />THIS AGREI4MI:NT date) SepCember 13 19....77... , between .,...,Board bf CounCy
<br />_........................................_......_......
<br />.. ............. !"omtniasioners....Radian...Ri.vt~x-Caunty-.............._.............._...._...._..................................... ................ ....... _..... .
<br />a public body corporate organized and operating under ......C)1AP1C ....).2.�.a....k _Q?. Si.?...SLatutes (1975)
<br />(Authorizing State Statute)
<br />herein called "Grantee," and the United States of America acting through the Farmers Ilome Administration, Department of
<br />Agriculture, herein called "Grantor," WITNESSETH:
<br />WHEREAS—
<br />Grantee has determined to undertake a project of ocquisition, construction, enlargement, or capital improvement of a (water)
<br />(sewer) system to serve the area under its jutisdiction at an estimated cost of $ ...12270,000 „ , and has duly
<br />authorized the undertaking of such project.
<br />Grantee is able to finance not more than $._$42,500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,_,___._ of the development costs through revenues, charges,
<br />taxer or assessments, or funds otherwise available to Grantee resulting in a reasonable user charge.
<br />Said sum of $ ._ ZL7 00 .......... _.... __._.... __ has been committed to and by Grantee for such project development costs.
<br />Grantor has agreed to grant to Grantee a sum not to exceed $ ..... _.427.x500 ..................... __ or ....... _33.66 percent of said
<br />development costs, whichever is the lesser.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of said grant by Grantor to Grantee, to be made pursuant to section 306 (a) of the
<br />Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961 for the purpose only of defraying a part not to exceed_.._ r?Q...._......__..
<br />percent of the development costs, as defined by applicable Farmers Home Administration instructions;
<br />Grantee agrees that Grantee will
<br />1. Cause said project to be constructed within the total sums available to it, including said grant, in accordance with
<br />the project plans and specifications and any necessary modifications thereof prepared by Grantee and approved by
<br />Grantor.
<br />2. Permit periodic inspection of the construction by a designated representative of Grantor during construction.
<br />3. Manage, operate and maintain the system, including this project if less than the whole of said system, continuously
<br />in an efficient and economical manner.
<br />4. Make the services of said system available within its capacity to all persons in Grantee's service area without
<br />discrimination as to race, color, religion, or national origin, at reasonable charges, including assessments. taxes,
<br />or fees in accordance with a schedule of such charges, whether for one or more classes of service,arlopted by
<br />resolution dated ..................... , 19..7.... , as may be modified from time to time by Grantee.
<br />The initial rite schedule must be approved by Grantor. Thereafter Grantee may make such modifications to the rate
<br />schedule as Grantee deems necessary to efficiently and economically provide for the financial requirements of the
<br />system as long as the rate schedule remains reasonable and nondiscriminatory.
<br />S. Adjust its operating costs and service charges from time to time to provide for adequate operation and maintenance,
<br />emergency repair reserves, obsolescence reserves, debt service and debt service reserves.
<br />6. Expand its system from time to time to meet reasonably anticipated growth or service requirements in the area within
<br />its jurisdiction.
<br />7. Not transfer or dispose of the system, or any part thereof, being constructed or improved with such grant funds without
<br />the written consent of Grantor, and not encumber the project for a period of five years from the date hereof without
<br />the written consent of the Grantor,
<br />8. Provide Grantor with such periodic reports as it may require and permit periodic inspection of its operations by a
<br />designated representative of the Grantor.
<br />Position 8
<br />O
<br />t
<br />FHA 442-31 (Rev. 9-15-70)
<br />