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61 <br />G <br />)0 1..111'` ttl' l Lultllt:l <br />1-- - . . <br />:1:94 <br />11 C1f.11''1'1;11 21:I01—(Xo. It)ll6)• <br />1101'S h; 11111IL No. mm <br />AN' ACT to Prohibit the Tal;ing of or Atlealpting to 'Pelee Fis11, <br />):xeept With hook and Line, in All Waters of the Indian <br />River County, Florida, Whieh Are Within the D:stance of one <br />Ifnndred Yards in Any Direclion of and from Any Bridge <br />Which Traverses the Indian (liver or Any Part 'Thereof in <br />Indian River County, Florida; Providing for the 1?nforee- <br />mcut of Said Act; Providing Penalties for the Violation of <br />Said Act. <br />Be It Enacted by the fegislalttre of the State of Florida. <br />Section 1. For the purpose of this Act, the following shall <br />be construed respectively to mean; <br />Pcrsnn. The plural or singular, as the ease demands, includ• <br />ing individuals, associations, partnerships and corporations, un. <br />less the context should otherwise require. <br />Taking or attempting to take. Whenever it is made unlawful <br />to "falm" or "attempt to take" fish• the same shall be construed <br />to include the pursuing, killing, capturing, trapping, slurring, <br />netting, gigging and worrying or attempting to pursue, ]till, rap- <br />ture, trap, scare, net, gig or worry fish. <br />Section 2. It shall be Unlawful for:illy pperson to take or <br />attempt to take fish, except with hook and line, in all wafers of <br />the Indian )fiver in Indian Ricer County, Plorida, which are <br />within the distanee of one hundred yards in ally direction of <br />and from any bridge which traverses the Indian direr, or tiny <br />part thereof, in Indian River Comity, Plorida. <br />Section 3. Any person violatin;; any provision of this Act <br />shall be guilty of It misdemeanor :rnd upon conviction Thereof <br />911-111 be punished by fine not exceeding Five hundred Dollars <br />($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period <br />not exceeding six mouths, or by both such fine and imprison- <br />ment, in the discretion of the Court trying the offender. <br />Section 4. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith <br />are hereby repealed. <br />Section 5. This Act shall become effective immediately upon <br />its becoming a law. <br />Approved by the'Governor, 'fay 26, 1941. <br />Filed in Office Secretary of State, 'May 27, 19.11. <br />