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• r <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET <br />PURCHASING DIVISION <br />DATE: December 8, 2022 <br />TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />THROUGH: Jason E. Brown, County Administrator <br />Kristin Daniels, Budget Director <br />FROM: Jennifer Hyde, Purchasing Manager <br />SUBJECT: Adoption of Modifications to the Purchasing Manual <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Section 105.06 of the Indian River County Code of Ordinances directs the county administrator to <br />prepare a purchasing policies and procedures manual, which is commonly referred to as the Purchasing <br />Manual. Revisions are necessary from time to time, and while not required by code, the administrator <br />has always directed the changes be presented before the Board for their information and concurrence. <br />The updated manual will be posted to the County web site for easy access. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />The following changes have been made and approved: <br />1. Section 1, General Information, has been updated to make explicit policy statements required <br />for the county to be eligible for federal funding, as well as pass through funding to the sheriff <br />from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). These statements were added in the <br />Ethics and Conflict of Interest, and Project Involving Federal Funding paragraphs in the General <br />Provisions, Purposes and Applications section, and in a new Full and Open Competition section. <br />Section 1 has also been amended to add explicit authorization for the use of alternate <br />construction project delivery methods such as job order contracting (JOC) and design -build. <br />Section 1, Definitions has been updated to expand the capabilities of the Request for <br />Information (RFI) process, which is most often used to obtain information about available <br />products to help develop solicitation documents. It would be advantageous to use this short <br />response process to prequalify vendors to provide supplemental services paid for directly by the <br />public, such as food trucks for various events, and therefore, that explicit authority has been <br />added. Typically, these vendors pay the county a portion of their proceeds, or a flat daily rate, <br />with the annual revenue amounts well below the bid threshold. <br />4. The time for vendors to make notice of protest in connection with a competitive selection <br />process has been reduced from seven to five calendar days. When notified by a department of a <br />pending agenda for award of a solicitation, Purchasing makes public notice of intent regarding <br />the bid, effectively starting the protest clock. Often this notification to Purchasing is not able to <br />11 <br />