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tI��1�pk R17SOLUTIONN NO., 78-24 <br />�7SVfffjOf3j�F`f1.1S' S�1()Nt1 1? to open deposit neeonnl <br />First Citrus Dank of Indian River County, Vero Beach, rrFlorida <br />I <br />I EAEBY CERTIFY that 1 am rhe duly Ittd od .1-14"dary uGhrd &nelf karl7i of <br />Comity Commissioners Anti -Recession Title II Public <br />and the keeper of the .ra.W, and nnI le real of said "ol-minn and shat dm following i a one <br />and eor.... ropy of a rnolutiun duly adopted at a o,rubr cording of As bu.-I of do -tors ul Ad <br />corplTieat'nnclli Id in acturdance with the by-laws of said cottinralion at it. office at_Vero <br />the 5th _flay ,_ ri1 _1918_. <br />Bc it rt•xoivrd that On- FIRST CITRUS BANK OF INDIAN HI\'lilt COUN'T'Y. <br />VFRO RF.ACII; FLORIDA, In• :uul it it hereby, designated a drpuail—y of shit corpnoa- <br />lim.:lid Ibat Is k,so dnpuxiled crap be Icithdiawn upon a rhrck, draft ur o,ch-, of the <br />corlll,ratn:ll. <br />Be it further -lord, that all checks, drafts or orJers drawn against said account be signed hr <br />one —__f the following: <br />William Ca Wodtke, Jr. ,Title Chairm n <br />Alma Lee Loy ,r.., Vice Chairriun <br />and countersigned by any one of the following til none so start): <br />Natne <br />Freda Wright-Titl <br />Clerk <br />� e _ -- <br />Whose rignatuu xhall be duly r,iha) m said hank, and thn nu chats, drafts or coders draw:. against <br />lid bank shall be valid unless so s.yr..d. <br />Be it further resolved, that s.aid haul, s hershy u0 isrd nd dircctnl ,, hnunr and pay any <br />checks, drafts, a orders u drawn,w -1— sods desks, Jraln, o codas Lc nayahie u, doe vole, of a <br />such person aiyniing and/or countusigniop said Thee ks, d,Al, n orders, u ens. of such yruons in dm'u <br />individual capacitil, n not. and whether -h she,ks, Jralss a on,ro, are dgsusittd to the m <br />Jivi.hul <br />p <br />'Wit of the 1,u..... so slrrimr, and/or s m—igniay. said duck•. J,.hs r orders. or to the <br />su au . o <br />credit cf any of the o, o(lis , o nos 'Phis lotion sh.,il cuur n (lure and said back <br />consider the facts darning the holders of -ill Ifficn, fen-live)y.���aod their sirnatu, to he �.. <br />continue as ri forth on the rcverse side of this lard• until written notice to the contrary is duly sen , <br />on said bank. <br />In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name as arcretary and have caused the carporare seal <br />of said corporation to b, hereto affixed this 5th day of—April <br />ltngrios Sral Aro � <br />do hereby certify that the lomgoing is a correct ropy of a resolution adopted as atwve it forth. <br />ce Is, 1 as vol. •L.a.7W.en Srmtnry <br />