<br />•
<br />so
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 78-54
<br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River
<br />County, Florida, has been requested to release the ;tide lot line
<br />casemeut;a on Lots 7, 8, 9,.10, 11, 1.2, 13, 14, 15 and 16, in Block
<br />H of OSLO PARK, according to the Plat thereof filed in the office
<br />of the Clerk of. the Circuit Court of Indian fiver County, Florida,
<br />in Plat Book 3, page 96; and
<br />WHEREAS, said side lot line easements were &:dicatcd on the
<br />Plat of OSLO PARI: for public utility purpocvs; and
<br />WMREAS, the request for su..h release of easerlents has bt!,-n
<br />Submitted in proper for,Ti;
<br />NOW, "i'hEKI:FORE, I;F: it' RF:;;(kt,ViJ) 11.' 111;": BOA:tl) OF COUNTY
<br />C01'4MISSIONERS OF I2;UTAN RIVER (:()':..';;l"i, Flf.) JDA, that the follr,Wi.ng
<br />side lot line eaae;r.cnts in ().`;[.(! P.\F c; :lai 1 be released, cabaandoned
<br />and ".seated as follows:
<br />The side lot line easements r•atining from E3gt to West
<br />between Lots I and 8. Lots 8 and 9, tots 9 and 1U.
<br />J,0t:3 10 and 1.1, Lots 11 and 12, T..,ts 11 and 1.4, bats
<br />14 and 15, :and Lots 15 vnd 16, l.n Block It of OS1.0 PAR✓,
<br />as recorded in flat Book 1, page 9r), T'ubl is Records
<br />iaf Indian Diver County, Florida.
<br />RL TT EIIR"1 ti F: F: RESULVLD that the Chairman of rhe Boar,. of County
<br />.:oumissionera and ,he Clack r, 'hc Circoit. Coi.rt be arra: t.I:._v, iu
<br />hereby authorized and directed 'o exeiute a roleasp of vaid 1-t. line
<br />easements hereinabove ref,=rred to in forst proper for recerdinp, ;and
<br />placing in t}he Piiblic Records ;,f Indiata Rlvf� County, Florik':;.
<br />DAIE'D l:hi.-; I)rd day o .1ugurt 1'179.
<br />Attest:
<br />