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66 <br />leen performed in due time, <br />form and manner as required by the <br />Constitution and Laws or the <br />State of Florida, applicable thereto; <br />40 <br />that the total indebtedness <br />of said County, including the issue of <br />Notes of which this Note is <br />one, does not exceed any constitu- <br />40 <br />tional, statutory, or other <br />limitation; and that, to the extent <br />the revenues of the project <br />are insufficient therefor, provision <br />has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax <br />for the fiscal year 1979-80, <br />at an annual rate not to exceed ten <br />(10) mills on the dollar of <br />assessed value, upon all property <br />subject to taxation by the Court., sufficient to pay the principal <br />of and interest ora this Note <br />as the sa-me shall beco;aa due, which <br />tax shall be levie_- and collected at the sa;-,,e time and In the same <br />r-,,anner an ot.%r_•r ad taxE-a r_ the County a -re assessed, levied <br />and collected. <br />This Note is not r i.:.emat,le • rior to its _.stated date <br />of maturity. <br />This 1:r3:e i5 hG= has a!'- _.. ­•alities of a neaotia.�, Ie <br />ins _rument and . :.e !aw merchanz ane- _ ;e '_z-45 of the State of <br />F) <br />!:te :ea i ste=ed as Lo both pr_na: 3'1 C3 <br />in'l_ :re --t in accordance with the provisions endorsee hereon. <br />River County, : �.o__3?, has <br />issu..!a1 this Note and has caused the :sari, to be executed by the <br />manual or facsimile-isnature of the Chairman of the Board of <br />County Commissioners and the• corporate seal of said County or a <br />facsimile thereof to bt:i .af_`ixc:3 hereto or impressed, imprinted, <br />l.ithoLlraphed or reproduced hereon and atte tcd .:and countersigned <br />by the manual or fausiudlea signature of tial! Clark of the Board, <br />all as of the 14th day of December, 1978. <br />