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(b) As a condition of future developments, sufficient land area shall he allocated <br /> for infrastructure required to support the development and mandate hook-up to central potable <br /> water and wastewater systems for all new developments. These services shall be provided by <br /> the County or alternative services as set forth herein; however, no septic systems would be <br /> allowed in accordance with City policy and land development codes. <br /> 10. No Waiver of Police Power. As provided above and otherwise herein, the <br /> parties recognize and agree that certain provisions of this Agreement will require the City <br /> and/or its boards, departments or agencies, acting in their governmental capacity, to consider <br /> certain changes in the City's Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinances or other applicable City <br /> codes, plans or regulations, as well as to consider other governmental actions as set forth in this <br /> Agreement. All such considerations and actions shall be undertaken in accordance with <br /> established requirements of state statute and City ordinances, including applicable notice and <br /> hearing requirements, in the exercise of the City's jurisdiction under the police power. Nothing <br /> in this Agreement is intended to limit or restrict the powers and responsibilities of the City in <br /> acting on applications for comprehensive plan changes and applications for other development. <br /> The parties further recognize and agree that these proceedings shall be conducted openly, fully, <br /> freely and fairly in full accordance with Iaw and with both procedural and substantive due <br /> process to be accorded the applicant and any member of the public. <br /> 11. Covenants Running with the land and Successors and Assigns. The <br /> obligations imposed and entitlements created pursuant to this Agreement shall run with and <br /> bind the property as covenants running with the land and this Agreement shall be binding <br /> upon and enforceable by and against the Parties hereto, their personal representatives, heirs, <br /> successors,grantees and assigns. <br /> 12. The City acknowledges its intention, in good faith, to fulfill the following: <br /> Exhibit 2 To Ordinance No.0-19-04 <br /> ANNEXATION AGREEMENT <br /> Page 7 of 13 <br />