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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />NO. 79- 23 <br />WHEREAS, JAMES D. STINSON was appointed by the Governor <br />the State of Florida on October 27, 1969 to serve on the INDIAN <br />ER COUNTY VARIANCE BOARD; and <br />WHEREAS, on February 3, 1973 Indian River County adopted <br />Ordinance No. 73-2, changing the name of the INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />'VARIANCE BOARD to INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT <br />,and giving the Indian River County Commission authority to appoint <br />the members to such Board; and <br />WHEREAS, the major function of the INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD <br />ZONING ADJUSTMENT is to listen to hardship cases and interpret <br />Zoning Ordinance] and <br />WHEREAS, JAMES D. STINSON served as a member of the INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY VARIANCE BOARD and continued such service on the new <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT from the date of <br />his appointment on October 27, 1969 to the date of his resignation <br />in 1979; and <br />WHEREAS, JAMES D. STINSON has served the citizenry of <br />Indian River County with distinction and through his efforts has <br />made Indian River County a better place in which to live; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED nY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board on <br />behalf of itself and the citizenry of Indian River. County, expres <br />its deep appreciation to JAMES D. STINSON for his devotion to the <br />affairs of Indian River County; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board wishes JAMES D. <br />STINSON every success in his future endeavors. <br />Said Resolution shall become effective as of the 7th <br />of February , 1979. <br />AN/ V6 <br />1 <br />Chairman, County ConiI sioners <br />