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do <br />:&� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />• <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COON"TY, FLORIDA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 79-31 <br />WHEREAS, on June 26, 1978, STAN REDICK was hired as the <br />ian River County Planning and Zoning Director; and <br />WHEREAS, STAN REDICK has faithfully performed his duties as <br />the Indian River County Planning and Zoning Director from the date <br />he first assumed such duties until his resignation on March 25, <br />1979; and <br />WHEREAS, STAN REDICK was instrumental in obtaining Grant <br />Funds from H.U.D. for the 701 Comprehensive Planning Assistance <br />Program and obtaining Grant Funds from the D.E.R. for a Management <br />Plan for the Spoil Islands in Indian River County; and <br />WHEREAS, there are many other notable achievements attributabl' <br />to STAN REDICK, a few of the many are: , <br />Coordinating and working on the Community Development Block <br />Grant Application; <br />Rezoning of State Roads 510 and 512; <br />Rezoning of Oslo Road; and <br />Adoption of the Flood Protection Ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, STAN REDICK devoted many long and ardous hours to <br />lfill his commitment to the citizens of Indian River County as <br />dian River County Planning and Zoning Director; <br />> WHEREAS, STAN REDICK, through his position as Indian River <br />County Planning and Zoning Director, has made Indian River County <br />U better place in which to live; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- <br />ISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board on <br />ehalf of itself and the citizens of Indian River County, expresses <br />is deep appreciation to STAN REDICK for a job well done and <br />ishes STAN REDICK every success in his future endeavors. <br />Said Resolution shall become effective on the 21st day of <br />March , 1979, <br />Chairman,CourtY . iCommio <br />