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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS � <br />OF 9NDIAN RIV[;R COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />RESOLUTION N0. 79-34 / <br />WHEREAS, ROSEMARY RTCHEY began working In the Indian <br />River County Elect tons office in 1950• and r <br />WHEREAS, ROSEMARY RICHEY was appointed Supervisor of ` <br />Elections on March 10, 1954 by Governor Charlie Johns under [fit- <br />Administration <br />heAdministration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower; and <br />WHEREAS, ROSEMARY RICH was elected Supervisor of �f ' <br />Elections in November of 1956, has been successful in her bid for <br />re-election for five consecutive four-year terms, and will )mv <br />up for re-election again in November of 1980; and <br />WHEREAS, during; ROSEMARY RICIIEY`S tenure as Supervisor <br />of Elections, the number of registered voters has increased lrum <br />5,000 to 25,000, with from 200 to 300 new voters registering, each <br />month; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida takes thIs opportunity to honor one of its <br />distinguished citizens while she remains in office and continues <br />to serve our County; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THEI BOARD 01" COtINTY <br />COMMISSIONERS Ole INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the: Board, on <br />behalf of itself and its citizenry, honors ROSEMARY RTCHEY for <br />her twenty-five years of dedicated service as Supervisor of <br />Elections; and <br />BE IT FARTHER RESOLVED that the Board wishes ROSEMARY <br />RICHEY continued success in her chosen field of endeavor. <br />Said Resolution shall become effective :ts of the 4th <br />day of _ Apr i_1`, 1979. <br />i <br />s <br />Chairman,County Commissioners <br />