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RESOLUTION NO. %y -L{3 <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING FINANCE <br />AUTHORITY TO FUNCTION TO ALLEVIATE A SHORTAGE OF <br />i HOUSING AND CAPITAL FOR INVESTMENT IN HOUSING IN <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida (a copy of which is attached <br />hereto), as recently enacted by the Legislature of Florida, and known and <br />cited as the "Florida Housing Finance Authority Law," authorizes each and <br />every county in Florida to create by ordinance a separate public body corpo- <br />rate and politic to be known as the "Housing Finance Authority" of the county <br />for which it was created; and <br />WHEREAS, this statute authorizes the creation by counties of Housing Fi- <br />nance Authorities empowered to provide housing to "eligible persons" defined <br />as: <br />..persons or families, irrespective of race, creed, <br />national origin or sex, determined by the housing fi- <br />nance authority by rule to be of moderate, middle or <br />lesser income requiring such assistance as is made <br />available pursuant to this act on account of insuf- <br />ficient personal or family income and taking into <br />consideration such facts as: <br />"(a) The amount of the total income of such <br />persons and families available for housing needs. <br />"(b) The size of the family. <br />"(c) The cost and condition of available <br />housing facilities. <br />"(d) The ability of such persons and families <br />to compete successfully in the normal, private <br />housing market and to pay the amounts for which pri- <br />vate enterprise is providing sanitary, decent and <br />safe housing."; and <br />WHEREAS, this statute states that a housing finance authority shall not: <br />"...transact any business or exercise any powers un- <br />der this act until the governing body of the county <br />for which such housing finance authority is created <br />passes a resolution declaring the need for a housing <br />finance authority to function to alleviate a shortage <br />of housing and capital for investment in housing in <br />its area of operation."; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners recognizes the pressing need <br />for housing for eligible persons in Indian River County and wishes to create <br />an Indian River County Housing Finance Authority to exercise all the powers <br />set out in Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida, <br />