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for a housing finance authority to function to alleviate a shortage of housing <br />and capital for investment in housing in its area of operation. <br />(2) In any suit, action, or proceeding involving the validity or en- <br />forcement of or relating to any contract of a housing finance authority, the <br />housing finance authority shall be conclusively deemed to have been estab- <br />lished and authorized to transact business and exercise its powers under this <br />act upon proof of the adoption of an ordinance by the appropriate governing <br />body declaring the need for the housing finance authority. The ordinance <br />shall be sufficient if it declares the need for such a housing finance <br />authority and finds that there is a shortage of housing and capital for in- <br />vestment in housing within its area of operation. A copy of the ordinance <br />certified by the clerk of the circuit court shall be admissible in evidence in <br />any suit, action, or proceeding. <br />(3) The county for which the housing finance authority is created may, <br />at its sole discretion, and at any time, alter or change the structure, organ- <br />ization, programs or activities of any housing finance authority, including <br />the power to terminate such authority, subject to any limitation on the im- <br />pairment of contracts entered into by such authority and subject to the <br />limitations or requirements of this act. <br />Section 5. Members; employees; duties and compensation. -- <br />(1) Each housing finance authority shall be composed of five members <br />appointed by the governing body of the county for which the housing finance <br />authority is created, one of whom shall be designated chairman. Not less than <br />three of the members shall be knowledgeable in one of the following fields: <br />labor, finance or commerce. The terms of the members shall be 4 years each, <br />except that the terms of the initial members shall be as follows: two members <br />shall serve a term of 1 year; one member shall serve a term of 2 years; one <br />member shall serve a term of 3 years; and one member shall serve a term of 4 <br />years. A member of the housing finance authority shall hold office until his <br />successor has been appointed and has qualified. Each vacancy shall be filled <br />for the remainder of the unexpired term. A certificate of the appointment or <br />reappointment of any member of the housing finance authority shall be filed <br />with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county, and the certificate shall <br />be conclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of the member. A <br />member shall receive no compensation for his services, but shall be entitled <br />to necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, incurred in the discharge <br />of his duties. <br />