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ROAR® Off' COUNT'Y� COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County was hit by Hurri,cane David on <br />September 3, 1979; and <br />WHEREAS, the AMERICAN RED CROSS of Indian River County per- <br />formed many varied and important duties which helped prevent any <br />loss of life and kept injuries to a minimum during the crisis of <br />Hurriccne David, among them being: <br />Activating and manning Red Cross shelters when requested by <br />the Civil Defense Department; <br />Providing food and first-aid kits as necessitated; <br />Providing warning and evacuation assistance; <br />Preparing designated shelters for physically incapacitated: <br />Preparedness to assist individuals in need as a result ^F <br />hurricane damage; <br />Assisting in communication <br />NOW, THEREFORE;, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- <br />MISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the Board on <br />behalf of itself and the citizens of Indian River County, con- <br />gratulates the AMERICAN RED CROSS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY for a <br />job well done; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Board expresses its deep <br />appreciation to the AMERICAN RED CROSS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />for its exemplary service during the crisis of Hurricane David <br />and the Board expresses its thanks to all of the personnel of <br />the AMERICAN RED CROSS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY for their <br />performance during the time of crisis spawned by Hurricane <br />David. <br />Said Resolution shall become effective as of the 5th day <br />of September , 1979. <br />�VL44• <br />Chairmankounly Commis' ners <br />