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the notice from the Board, the Board may thereafter schedule a hearing <br />concerning the same with reasonable notice thereof to the Corporation and <br />after such hearing at which all interested parties shall be heard, the Board <br />may further limit or restrict this franchise or may terminate and cancel the <br />same in whole or in part if proper reasons thereby are found by the Board. <br />If the Board enters an order pursuant to such hearing and the Corporation or <br />I <br />any other person feels aggrieved by such order, the utility or such other <br />person may seek review of the Board's action by proceedings in the Circuit <br />i <br />Court of the County. <br />IW"@To]IIi:�/ <br />Any person using in normal average consumption more than 100,000 <br />H <br />�I gallons of water per day shall not be required to deal with the Corporation but <br />i <br />jiany such water user shall be at liberty to secure its water from such source <br />1' or sources as it might desire, so long as the independent water source does <br />l <br />not adversely affect corporate supply. Nothing in this franchise shall prevent <br />landowners from exercising their vested rights or privileges as set forth and <br />hcontained in any license issued to any utility heretofore granted by the Board <br />pursuant to Section 125. 43, Florida Statutes. <br />SECTION XXI <br />The Corporation shall design all facilities within the Franchise Area <br />to conform to the Indian River County Master Plan for utilities, when applicable <br />;'Permits shall be required for the placement or location of wells and treatment <br />jplant. The County Engineer, or his designee, shall approve the plans and <br />permits. In addition, all plans shall be approved by the Department of <br />Environmental Regulation and other appropriate agencies. County shall make <br />necessary inspections during construction, and quarterly thereafter, at the <br />cost of $20.00/unit as covered by the permit fee. <br />-12- <br />