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SUBC-RA IT Rl-' tOI,tll'lOtl N080-71 <br />!i MIENW;, 'Ilse Mard of County Uw;tni:;rioucr;; of lncli.a;� itiVcr GAInt , <br />Florida, herein called the "Applicant." after thorough con:;idorat iozl of <br />® the problcan and avrci.lable d:►ta, has hurchy d"tcuuiuUd OUL the proj(I't <br />described belmr is in the best interests of tho lencral public: <br />® To establish a shelter for ImUcrcd ;;puu:,rr ;utd their <br />children who choose to be removed from a potent:i.:►l ly or <br />• • actually drtngorous dcxmx,st:ic situation. 'Illi.^. will provido <br />local law enforemient with the option of referring spouse <br />abuse victim, to a shelter, therehy docreasinl; the pos ,i - <br />biliLy thit Lhcy wi11 ai;ai.n be rcC; l led to tit:tt have for <br />additional do;trestic disturlxmce calls. <br />Individual as well as group counseling will be provided <br />and the mtximmen stay will be six (6) weeks. Comseling will <br />be directed tcmards fostering awareness of individual capa- <br />bi.lities and responsibilities. Full mAliration will be <br />mide of presently cxist.inl; ccmnxmity resources. <br />Tic shelter staff will work in cxmjunction with local <br />law enforcownt agencies to provide valid statistics and <br />inq)roved to deal with this difficult problem of <br />spouse abuse. <br />t>fIIEPE.A.S, tmdcr term. of Rcblic Mul 90-351, as amenkoi, the lhtited <br />States of Anx-rica has authorized the Law Emforccinent kssistance Aci:nini- <br />stration, throtigh thv hlor.ida Bureau of Criminal ,lustier Ph ntiq-, and <br />Asiaance, to mice Federal Crauts to asci. -;L local l;uvrr►ctrnt:: in the <br />itnprovcmxnt of criminal justice; and . <br />MIEREM, the Applicant has e,;:anincd and duly considcred :;ucic Act- <br />and <br />ctand the Applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its <br />benefit to file ;m application under snid Act and to authorize other <br />action in connection therewith; <br />RE I'1' IT OINT'D BY '1111; P,OARD 01 M1111Y tXYTUSi0V1?ILS OF INDIAN <br />RI l -1k COlII11"f, 1'i;It1a11A, ltl OPEN t•EK.TM, M,",I]MI.i•:U IN '1111•: CITY Oi <br />vl•:RO It mil, I'lau 11, '1111. 16th111Y OF ,1111.1' ,1980, As vml:( s; <br />