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of <br />IMPACT CHARGES <br />A. "Tile Partnership agrees upon the completion of each two bedroom <br />equivalent residential unit to pay County, as a <br />- future hook-up impact charge into the County's master water system a <br />payment in the amount of $295. 00 per unit. The. Partnership agrees upon the <br />® completion of each two bedroom equivalent residential unit <br />Ito pay County, as a future hook-up impact charge into the County's <br />tt e master sewer system a payment in the amount of $295.00 per unit. Partner- <br />ship agrees upon the completion of each commercial unit to pay County, as a <br />future hook-up impact charge into the County's master water system, a <br />payment in the amount of $858.00 per commercial unit. Partnership agrees <br />upon the completion of each commercial unit to pay County, as a future hook- <br />up impact charge into the County's master sewer system, a payment in the <br />amount of $858.00 per commercial unit' The County will establish an interest- <br />bearing passbook account and will deposit the commercial and residential <br />charges into the said account, holding said funds until such time as the County <br />is in a position to supply water and/or sewer services to the franchised area. <br />The parties agree that the account shall be in the County's name and shall be <br />held under the following conditions: <br />(1) At any time that the County shall acquire its own water dis- <br />tribution system, and shall furnish water services to individual customers, <br />one-half (1/2) of all sums of money remaining in said account, except <br />accumulating interest, shall become the absolute property of the County and <br />the Partnership shall relinquish all rights thereto. At any time that the <br />County shall acquire its own sewer distribution system, and shall furnish <br />sewer services to individual customers, one-half (1/2) of all sums of money <br />remaining in said account, except accumulating interest, shall become the <br />absolute property of the County and the Partnership shall relinquish all rights <br />thereto. The County may adjust the impact fee according to the provisions <br />of Ordinances 80-21 and 80-22. From the effective date of any adjustment, <br />the fund will accrue with the revised charges deposited in the County's account <br />-12- <br />CORDON B. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />