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RESOLUTION NO. 81-45 <br />WHEREAS, this Board heretofore did grant a water fran- <br />chise to HOBART LANDING SERVICES COMPANY, on October 7, 1970, <br />under Resolution No. 70-44, said franchise being known as the <br />"Hobart Landing Services Company Water Franchise'; and <br />WHEREAS, publization of a Notice of Public Hearing was <br />duly made; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board did on July 1, 1981 hold a public <br />hearing; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the water <br />franchise, being Resolution No. 70-44, previously issued to <br />HOBART LANDING SERVICES COMPANY, shall include the following terms <br />as either additions or amendments to Resolution No. 70-44 as the i <br />case may be: <br />1. The rate schedule shall be changed and amended to pro' <br />vide for the following user rates: <br />WATER RATE <br />Residential <br />First 3,000 gallons $6.00 per month -minimum <br />All over 3,000 gallons $1.00 per 1,000 gallons <br />2. HOBART LANDING SERVICES COMPANY agrees to immediately <br />make available, maintain and replenish if diminished, the sum of <br />$8,000.00 to be placed in an interest bearing account by the <br />County. Hobart Landing Services Company shall be entitled to all <br />interest accruing from such account, which interest shall be pay- <br />able to Hobart on a monthly basis. The above funds shall be <br />used as a sinking fund and applied only for repairs and/or re- <br />placement by the County in the event Hobart fails to make neces- <br />sary repairs or replacement as would be required by industry <br />practice or custom in operating a water franchise of this size <br />and kind. <br />3. HOBART LANDING SERVICES COMPANY agrees to cause to be <br />paid to the County, as a future hookup charge into the County's <br />master water system and as an impart fee, payment in the amount Ot <br />$320.00 per lot which is sold by Hobart Brothers Company, an Ohio <br />I <br />