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Gross Revenues. The Revenue Fund shall be held by the Issuer <br />separate and apart from all other funds and shall be expended and <br />used only in the manner and order specified in this subsection (B) <br />and in subsections (C), (D), (E) and (F) of this section; <br />provided, however, that Impact Fees shall be used only in the <br />manner specified in subsections (C) and (E) of this section. <br />(C) Bond and Interest Sinking Fu,id. The Issuer cove- <br />nants and agrees to establish with a depository in the State of <br />Florida, which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance <br />Corporation, and which is eligible tinder the laws of the State of <br />Florida to receive county funds, a special fund or funds, collec- <br />tively called the "Indian River County Water and Sewer System <br />Sinking Fund," to be used exclusively for the purposes hereinafter <br />mentioned. The Issuer shall transfer on or before the 15th day of <br />each month from the Revenue Fund and deposit to the credit of the <br />Sinking Fund the following amounts: <br />(1) A sum equal to 1/6 or 1/12, as the case may be, of <br />the amount of one year's interest on all the Bonds then <br />outstanding, together with the amount of any deficiency in prior <br />deposits for interest; and <br />(2) A sum equal to 1/12 of the principal of the Serial <br />Bonds maturing on the next succeeding anniversary date, together <br />with the amount of any deficiency in prior deposits for <br />pri,.cipal. <br />(3) Into the Bond Amortization Account on a parity with <br />the deposits provided in subsection (C)(2) above, a sum equal to <br />1/12 of the amount of the Amortization Installments for Term <br />Bonds which shall become due and payable during the current Bond <br />Year, plus the amount of the premium, if any, on a principal <br />amount of such Term Bonds equal to the amount of such Amortiza- <br />tion Installment which would be payable on the next maturity date <br />if such principal amount of Term Bonds were to be redeemed prior <br />to their maturity from money held in the Bond Amortization <br />Account. If, at the stated dates of maturity of any Term Bonds, <br />the proceeds on deposit in the Bond Amortization Account are <br />insufficient to retire the principal amount of maturing Term <br />Bonds remaining outstanding, the Issuer shall transfer from the <br />Reserve Account to the Bond Amortization Account sufficient money <br />to make up such deficiency. <br />(4) After fulfillment of the requirements of subsec- <br />tions (C)(1), (2) and (3), the Issuer shall transfer on or before <br />the 15th day of each month from the Revenue Fund and deposit to <br />the credit of a Reserve Account in the Sinking Fund the sum of <br />