<br />-17
<br />Ccsplate a separate pace 2 for each individual program. Use an
<br />attachment paae(s) if necessary.
<br />;lase of Program Indian Rivor Corant.y Council on A, -Jr, Inc
<br />III 1. Give a brief overview of the proposed program. To`coordinate all service
<br />j ; I Ot•f--!rod by thi ; agency ^o that tho :senior citizen will receive the requested
<br />n.. J
<br />I vire promptly -especially in the t.ransport.ation/e;;cort., home rleliver.d meals
<br />l t :int homemak•!r areae. To provide ceru.r•al mana:-er;tent.
<br />!I
<br />2. I,lentify the unmet human service need that this program will
<br />i fs J address. a aliman•at.e an unneces ar waiLln,- period betwee;
<br />Y Y { [ request. for
<br />:.-rrvices in ! act.ual delivery, l'o provide the senior with a since of assurance
<br />that, he/:;he is not for otter.
<br />3. What impact -will this procram have on the unmet need? It will allow a
<br />trained ataf:' person t.o a:;aemhl ! an overview of thr! co:tpl^re situation r^.;;arding
<br />>acc senior . argue.^,t inr; a srr•vir•r! - i in;; thr! doctor and what -ver ar-,lncy
<br />yiouLl be involved.
<br />4. Is this program currently operating? YES NO
<br />If yes, what changes, ifany, will these funds provide for?
<br />All nr,rvic,� li:trd are offered, h>:n /er, t., coapl•-t.cly ut:lir: our rapabilitien
<br />and allow for each senior served to fully h•v,^t'it from service:,, th•: po:;ition
<br />i; desprlr.rtely need^d to prr,virl thi !.
<br />5. Identify the sneci.fic target population that this program will
<br />serve (elderly, loW-lncome, handicapped, etc.) . narsr Citizen:; 60 year
<br />and oldrlr - 15,000 plus; county->riFie popnl;,l.ion. i::.! i -:t•! ::er:rinY approrimaLely
<br />1700 in the above!- ment.iUned hand -re er••:icq ar•r.a_..
<br />6. How large is the program target population? Provide numbers.
<br />1 -le find that, co^tplete rxlr^ti.c,` para::.,-.... are not, provided duA to lac'r. of,
<br />coordi.natio::. Wsi have t'ournd thi.; to hr,, the case in one )ut of .>rery thr_
<br />; - or aper �x imat.rlly .i(ri .•.al`ar nt, shaal•.l h" r •,r.,i iin: mare
<br />than on,?
<br />?• How marri of the target population will be served by -the program?
<br />Prov d
<br />1 e nI:RIC.,rS. Al,pro%,mnr_r!1'/ 1'l00•urnluplicat.r•�1 aer;ior: will br! served.
<br />I
<br />8. Will this program be coordinated with any other program or
<br />services? Identify them and explain the coordination of services.
<br />Yrs;;, respite car(), Mini day care, congregate meals, chore, recreation,
<br />telephone rea:;,prance, tranportation/escort, home delivered meals and homemaker
<br />9. Will these grant funds be used to match a federal or other grant?
<br />If yes, identify the type and amount. No
<br />0
<br />10. What funds will sustain this program after the expiration of
<br />- this grant? Increase in Federal Budget allowances.
<br />11. Who will do the audit of the program? Must be a CPA firm,
<br />municipal auditor, county auditor or Clerk of Court.
<br />Indian River County personnel.
<br />