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IU <br />RESOLUTION NO. 82-79 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXCHANGE OF A 0.12 ACRE PARCEL OF COUNTY OWNED <br />PROPERTY FOR A CERTAIN UTILITY EASEMENT. <br />WHEREAS, as a part of, the development of. the South <br />County Water System, the County must acquire certain utility <br />easements to tie-in with other existing water lines; and <br />WHEREAS, the consideration requested for granting one of <br />the required easements, which is more particularly described in <br />Exhibit B attached hereto, is the exchange of a 0.12 acre parcel <br />of County owned property, descrihed gAnr-rally as the southwest <br />corner of the old Mini -Florida Utilities site, more particularly <br />describ(!d in t:he deed attar.h{,c1 her•>to -vs Exhibit A; and <br />WHE'PE:AS, after con-:irieration of tho request, the Board <br />of. County Commissioners finris that the County owned property to be <br />t2xchanged in not. presently needed for County purposes, and the <br />f�xchange would rr!Sitit inacquisition of an easement serving County <br />l;ur.posr*:3, and wol,ld ther-afore be in the best interest of the <br />County; and <br />WHFR M';, an future use for ut.ilitf purposes across the <br />oxchangezi parcril nhal l h.! reserved to t.h.• 'Pryjnty thro,vjh <br />reservat.ionn; and <br />WIiF;RFAS, <br />r,titting forth the terms and condir ior>c or this exchange has ir..:en <br />properly lAubl.ished prior to the adoption of this Resolution. <br />NOW, TfiF.REF'ORE, w--. ur RESOLVED 131 'THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that.: <br />1. The foregoing rec i t.a i s are h r c*'try adopted and <br />ratified in their entirety. <br />2. The Chairman and Clerk ars_- authorized to execute the <br />County deed attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof., <br />subject to the reservations contained in the deed; and, the County <br />Attorney's Office is authorized and directed to take all steps <br />reasonable and necessary to complete the transaction. <br />The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner. <br />Lyons who moved its adoption. The motion was <br />-1- <br />