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Natural Gas is a Clean Low -Carbon Energy Source <br />Natural Gas Compared to Other Energy Sources <br />Natural Gas <br />H <br />H--C—H <br />I <br />H <br />Propane <br />ateW CH4 <br />Environmental & Safety <br />Safety Aspects <br />Natural gas is non-toxic — millions cook with gas every day <br />• Natural gas is lighter than air, therefore, if there is a leak, the gas <br />rises up and away from potential sources of ignition <br />• Natural gas has a very narrow flammability range. In order to ignite, <br />natural 9,as to air mixture must be not less than 5% and not greater <br />than 15 /o, otherwise the atmosphere is too lean or too rich to burn. <br />• The natural gas industry is highly regulated not only from a cost <br />perspective but also from annual inspections and reporting <br />requirements from state and federal agencies such as the Florida <br />Public Service Commission and the Federal Energy Regulatory <br />Commission. <br />• Natural gas lines are clearly marked with pipeline markers and in the <br />case of underwater crossings, signage indicating buried pipelines <br />are posted. <br />• All natural gas lines are located by the utility when digging in the <br />vicinity of the lines will occur. In areas of high consequence and <br />high-pressure, the utility will have a damage prevention specialist <br />on -hand to ensure the location of the gas lines are not in conflict <br />with the work underway. <br />10 <br />