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Board of County Commissioners Draft Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022 <br />Chairman O'Bryan turned over the meeting to Vice Chairman Earman. Before the <br />reading of the Proclamation, Deputy Attorney Bill Debraal, along with County <br />Attorney Dylan Reingold, congratulated Chairman O'Bryan on his retirement and <br />appreciated his approach on eminent domain called the "O'Bryan Rule" that made the <br />process go smoothly; they hoped the tradition would continue. Vice Chairman <br />Earman read the first Proclamation regarding the establishment of the "O'Bryan Rule". <br />The following individuals congratulated Chairman O'Bryan and for a job well done in <br />making Indian River County a better place to live: Mr. Joseph Paladin, Ms. Penny <br />Chandler, Ms. Helene Caseltine, Mr. Thomas Lanahan, former County Attorney Mr. <br />Alan Polackwich, Fellsmere City Manager Mark D. Mathes, Property Appraiser <br />Wesley S. Davis, Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan, Clerk of the Circuit Court <br />and Comptroller Jeffrey R. Smith, City of Sebastian Mayor Fred Jones, <br />Commissioner Elect and former Sheriff Deryl Loar, Mr. Michael Kint, Lisa Kahle, <br />and Judge Nicole Menz. Following the speakers, a video presentation of staff and <br />those who could not attend today's meeting sending Chairman O'Bryan their heartfelt <br />wishes on his retirement was shown. <br />Each member of the Board, County Administrator Jason Brown, and County <br />Attorney Reingold read the Proclamation to District 4 Commissioner Peter D. <br />O'Bryan on his retirement and for 16 years of service to the citizens of Indian River <br />County. His fellow Commissioners, County Administrator Brown, and County <br />Attorney Reingold spoke of his leadership, accomplishments, dedication, courage, <br />and the impact he has had on Indian River County before presenting him with a <br />commemorative compass to show their appreciation. <br />Chairman O'Bryan stated he felt very humbled and spoke of his time in office. In <br />addition, he recognized and thanked his fellow Commissioners, County and <br />Constitutional staff, the citizens of Indian River County, and numerous others including <br />his wife, Susan. <br />Presented by each Board Member <br />53. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Joseph Karman on his Retirement from the <br />Indian River County Sheriffs Office <br />A Proclamation was presented to Joseph Karman for 31 years of service to the <br />citizens of Indian River County. He was joined by family and given a promotion to <br />Sergeant by Sheriff Eric Flowers. <br />Presented by Chairman O'Bryan <br />Indian River County Florida !Pge 2 <br />