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Board of County Commissioners Draft Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022 <br />on-time, accurately, and under budget. He also credited investments in technology <br />which allowed staff to process information more expediently. He highlighted the <br />measures taken in cyber security and working closely with the Clerk of the Circuit <br />Court to initiate the software called Just Appraised, an artificial intelligence that <br />transfers the information from a deed to the property record information on the <br />Property Appraiser's website. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Earman, to accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Property Appraiser's Office for <br />the Year Ended September 30, 2022. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner <br />Flescher, and Commissioner Moss <br />9.C. IRC Sheriff Annual Report <br />Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers came before the Board respectfully <br />requesting for the General Fund, the amount of $470,916.37 be returned as a Fiscal <br />Year (FY) Budget Amendment in order to cover outstanding purchase orders delayed <br />due to supply chain demands, and for the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, the amount of <br />$112,141.40 be returned to cover the ordered items approved at the August 16, 2022 <br />Board Meeting. He added the remaining amount of $3,697.60 would go back into the <br />County's Fund 112. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Moss, <br />to approve the Sheriffs request for the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 reversion of fees for <br />the General Fund in the amount of $470,916.37 and for the Law Enforcement <br />Trust Fund in the amount of $112,141.40. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner <br />Flescher, and Commissioner Moss <br />9.D. IRC Supervisor of Elections Annual Report <br />Supervisor of Elections Leslie Rossway Swan began by thanking the Board for their <br />support over the last Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/2022, pointing out that the last budget <br />year was not only a gubernatorial election cycle, but a redistricting year. She spoke <br />of staff spending countless hours redrawing precinct boundary lines, renumbering <br />precincts, and utilizing three new polling places, noting the Election office mailed out <br />over 118,000 new voter information cards and over 45,000 vote -by -mail ballots for <br />the November 8th election. She discussed the past election and took the opportunity <br />to recognize and thank her staff, County Attorney Dylan Reingold, Vice Chairman <br />Earman, Commissioner Adams, and those who served on the Canvassing Board who <br />helped make the election go smoothly. <br />Ms. Swan presented the Board with a check for $9,647.56 in returned funds. <br />Chairman O'Bryan commended Ms. Swan and her staff for the exemplary way they <br />handled elections in the County. <br />Indian River County Florida Age 5 <br />