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Board of County Commissioners Draft Meeting Minutes November 15, 2022 <br />Chairman closed the hearing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner <br />Moss, to approve Resolution 2022-087, amending the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 <br />Budget. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, <br />Commissioner Flescher, and Commissioner Moss <br />10.A.2. Kolter Group Acquisitions LLC's Request for Conceptual Planned Development <br />(PD) Plan and Special Exception Approval and Concurrent Preliminary PD <br />Plan/Plat Approval for a Project to be known as Red Tree Cove PD <br />[PD -21-11-09 / 2021040075-907181 <br />Chairman O'Bryan introduced the parties for the proceeding as being Indian River <br />County and Kolter Group Acquistions LLC. (Applicant). Each Commissioner, as <br />requested by the Chairman, disclosed ex parte communications, site visits, or <br />independent investigations. The Commissioners also affirmed that they have an <br />open mind and can base their decisions on the evidence presented and the <br />applicable law. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing. The Deputy Clerk administered the <br />Oath to all persons who wished to speak at the hearing. <br />Ryan Sweeney, Chief of Current Development, utilized a PowerPoint presentation <br />to detail the Planned Development (PD) process, as well as the requirements <br />needed to receive special exception and concurrent preliminary PD plan/plat <br />approval for the project located on the southwest corner of 13th Street SW and <br />43rd Avenue SW. He detailed the proposed development and the general layout <br />of the conceptual PD plan for phase I and II of the project. <br />Commissioner Moss brought up the concern expressed at the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission Meeting regarding traffic in the area of the project. She felt <br />the County in the future should look at the number of houses and the traffic <br />generated by a proposed development. <br />Vice Chairman Earman sought and received confirmation from Chief Sweeney <br />that the developer agreed to contribute their fair share of the cost for the future <br />17th Street SW bridge crossing, part of the South County Initiative. <br />Chairman O'Bryan followed up on Commissioner Moss's question and stated the <br />County, through the Metropolitan Planning Organization's 20 -year Long Range <br />Transportation Plan, looked at growth, future traffic needs, and the land use in the <br />area to calculate how many more homes may be developed in the future. <br />Jim Vitter, representative from BGE, Inc., on behalf of Kolter Group <br />Indian River County Florida 1 Age 7 <br />