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5m 9 7= PAIGE731' J1 <br />PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, dm Florida Medical Entomology Labmamry m cele =W* its Fortieth Aww--y <br />as a research and education center of the University of FloridaWAS; and <br />WHEREAS, the Leboratmy was dedicated on April 8,19%. and comisls of a group ofbuildings <br />among 38 acres of an oak -palm forest, a scrub oak -pine forest and an extensive salt marsh. The <br />Laboratory site is surrounded by a 291 arae preserve of similar habitats. including freshwater wadands. <br />mangrove swamp and a scrubby pine 9atwoods. and <br />WHEREAS. the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory offers an experienced staff of <br />researchers and educators, a singular site, and ample physical facilities; and <br />WHEREAS, the mission ofthe Laboratory is to conduct research in the biology and control of <br />biting insects OW other arthropods, which we impoRmt transmitters of disease or pest annoyances. <br />giving special attention to the needs of Florida's mosquito control organizations: and <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory is a center to train students and <br />persomWmtheentmwtogiWagxzbofpubhcheahh,vamrmmyscimce sanitation mosquitocontrol, <br />dqa. geand irrigationdesign, w dands management,andotherareasofservicerequiringknowledgeof <br />medical entomology, and the Laboratory may mored research amt training to international programs: <br />NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT pRocLADAED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, Florida diet April 8. 1996 is the R anniversary <br />of the Florida Medical Entomology laboratory. <br />The&errdrarognizestbatffierc 66aingdone atthenondaMcdwalEommologylaborsomy <br />isvery importernand contributes to the heft and welfare ofdmresidents offt= mrmity. The Board <br />salutes the devoted members of the laboratory, and wishes thern continued success in the future. <br />Adopted this 9 day of April, 1996. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Macht, the Board unanimously approved <br />the proclamation in celebration of the 40th <br />anniversary of Florida Medical Entomology <br />Laboratory. <br />C. Approval of Warrants - March 15-22, 1996 <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of March 22, 1996: <br />TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />DATE: MARCH 22, 1996 <br />SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF WARRANTS <br />FROM: EDWIN M. FRY, JR., FINANCE DIRECTOR <br />In compliance with Chapter 136.06, Florida Statutes, all warrants issued by the <br />Board of County Commissioners are to be recorded in the Board minutes. <br />Approval is requested for the attached list of warrants, issued by the Clerk to <br />the Board, for the time period of March 15 thru March 22, 1996. <br />4 <br />April 9, 1996 <br />