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moo 97 PAGE 725 <br />BACKUP <br />14. SPECIAL DISTRICTSBOARDS (cont'd : PAGES <br />C. Environmental Control Board (contd.) <br />3. Satisfaction and Release of Lien - <br />Pahl Builders <br />(memorandum dated March 20, 1996) 295-297 <br />15. ADJOURNMENT <br />AiiyC�LC vruv ialujr wadi 'J by�i�,ai auy uzCisiviA'vvAU%.0 iiiay itc ivauc a% uu� inec'" tg will need <br />to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and <br />evidence upon which the appeal will be based. <br />Anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting may contact the county's <br />Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator at 567-8000 x408 at least 48 hours in advance <br />of meeting. <br />Meeting broadcast live on: <br />TCI Cable Channel 13 - rebroadcast S: 00 p.m. Thursday through S: 00 p.m. Friday <br />Falcon Cable Channel 35 - rebroadcast Friday evening <br />