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discretionary action is taken by the Boazd of County <br />Commissioners, the Corporation can request said Board that a <br />group of arbitrators be appointed and such group shall consist <br />of: <br />I. Utilities Director <br />2. Corporation Engineer <br />3. One person selected by the above two persons <br />and thi, .,aa,:d of Arbitrators shall make recommendations to the <br />Board of County Commissioners, but such recommendations are not <br />� <br />mandatory. Any Arbitration shall. be in accordance with the <br />Florida Arbitration Code. <br />Any final decision the Board may have with respect to <br />this franchise can be appealed by the Corporation by Writ of <br />Certiorari to the Circuit Court of Indian River County. <br />-7- <br />SECTION IX <br />All pipes, mains, valves, blowoffs and sewer mains and <br />manholes and other fixtures laid or placed by the Corporation <br />for the sewerage <br />system shall. be so located in the dedicated <br />easements in the County after approval by County F;ngineer so as <br />not to obstruct or interfere with other uses made of such public <br />places already installed. The Corporation shall, whenever <br />practicable, avoid interferring with the use of any street, <br />alley or other highway where the paving or surface of the same <br />would be disturbed. In case of any disturbance of County owned <br />pavement, sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing, the Corporation <br />shall, at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by <br />the County Engineer, replace and restore all such surface so <br />disturbed in as good condition as before said work was commenced <br />and shall mainti.n the restoration in an approved condition for <br />a <br />period of one (.1) year. In the event that any time the County <br />shall lawfully elect to alter or change the grade of or relocate <br />or widen or otherwise change any such County owned right-of-way, the <br />-7- <br />