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5) What impact the land use amendment will have on <br />the County's various land uses, including but not <br />0 limited to, the County's traffic system, capability <br />to provide utilities, housing needs, educational <br />system, flood control systems, agricultural land and <br />environmentally sensitive land. <br />0 <br />STEP 11: STAFF PLANNER: <br />After the Planning Department of the Community Development <br />Division has formulated the amendments to the County's <br />Comprehensive Plan which it intends to propose, a date for a <br />public hearing at a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on <br />the amendments should be set. <br />® STEP 12: PLANNING TECHNICIAN: <br />Notice of the hearing date, time, place and the purpose of the <br />hearing should be published by the Planning Department at least <br />twice in a local newspaper. The first publication should be <br />not less than 15 days prior to the date of the hearing and the <br />second should be at least five days prior to the hearing. <br />STEP 13: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission should next hold a public <br />hearing to discuss the proposed amendments. At this meeting a <br />recommendation on each of the proposed amendments should be <br />adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission and forwarded to <br />,.he Board of County Commissioners. <br />STEP 14: STAFF PLANNER: <br />After the Planning and Zoning Commission has adopted a recom- <br />mendation stating the proposed amendments, copies of these <br />amendments should be sent to the State Department of Veteran <br />and Community Affairs, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning <br />Council and any other governmental agency which has filed a <br />request to receive copies of the amendment for its review. <br />STEP 15: STAFF PLANNER: <br />Wait to receive written review comments from the State, TCRPC <br />and other reviewing agencies. The State and TCRPC should <br />submit review comments to the County within 60 days, unless the <br />County has agreed to a longer review period. <br />STEP 16: STAFF PLANNER et al: <br />If the State, TCRPC or any other governmental reviewing agency <br />submits any objections to the amendments in their review <br />comments, the County must reply to these comments within four <br />weeks. The County may not adopt the plan amendments until two <br />weeks after it has sent this letter to the DCA and TCRPC. <br />These review comments and the County's replies to them shall <br />become a permanent part of the public record. <br />After all review comments are received and considered by the <br />Planning Department, the Board of County Commissioners should <br />hold two (2) public hearings on the proposed amendment. (Note: <br />One of these hearings may be held by the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission.) <br />STEP 17: <br />Notice of the first public hearing should be published approxi- <br />mately 7 days before the hearing is held. (See Attachment "D" <br />for sample advertisement.) <br />-12- <br />