Tl!IS [NDENTURC, dated ~---,----,--1903, is between
<br />I::or.\:~ :UVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the St.ate of
<br />Fl..:iri.-i.\ (tne "Issuer"), and Bi\.RNETT BANKS 'l'RUST COMPANY, N.A., a
<br />n~tt0nal ~an~in; association having its principal office and
<br />pl4=e of business in the City of Jacksonville, Florida (the
<br />"·rr·J~Lee" J, ati Trustee.
<br />l. The Issuer is authorized under Chapter 159, Part II,
<br />flor1Ja 3tatutes, and other applicable provisions of law, and all
<br />iut.ure l~~s supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof, to make
<br />and ~xecute financing agreements, contracts, deeds and other
<br />inscruraents necessary or convenient for the purpose of facili-
<br />t.::i.ti:1-; the financing of certain projects, including machinery,
<br />e~uip~enc, land, rights in land and other appurtenances and faci-
<br />lici~s ~elated thereto, to the end that the Issuer may be able to
<br />pr'J::1ot.-~ the economic development of the State of Florida ( the
<br />"5tc1te" :is hereinafter Llefinet.l), increase opportunities for gain-
<br />!:'Jl ?::i,)lu'jT:lent. and otherwise aid in improving the rrosperity and
<br />~el~~re ~f the State and its inhabitants; and to provide such
<br />financinJ through the issuance of industrial development. revenue
<br />b..:,nJ:,,;.
<br />2. The Issuer has duly authorized as a project the
<br />fin.:inci.n-J of tne acy_uisition, construction and equipment of
<br />inlu:,,;t.rial facilities consisting of a 120-bed nursing home,
<br />inclu,lin1 any necessary utilities, all within the jurisdictional
<br />territorial limits of the Issuer (the "Project" as hereinafter
<br />defined), t.o be acquired, constructed and equipped by and at the
<br />exrense of Florida HealLI1 Facilities Corp. (of Indian River
<br />Counc.y), the "Oorrower," pursuant to a Loan Agreement, Mortgage
<br />anJ S.:curity Agreement, dated the date hereof, entered into by
<br />3nd bee.ween the Issuer and the Borrower (the "Loan Agreement" as
<br />herein.:ifter defined); and the Issuer has further authorized the
<br />issuance ..1nd sale of $2,400,000 .:iggregate principal amount of its
<br />In,Ju3tr1al. Development Revenue â–¡onds, Series 1983 (Florida Health
<br />Facilit.i~s Project), the "!3onds," the proceeds of the sale of
<br />which will be loane~ to the Corporation to pay the costs of
<br />ac4u1rin1, ~onstructing and equipping the Project, as such costs
<br />ilre hereinafter defined.
<br />J, The Issuer, at a meeting Lluly convened and held
<br />after not. less than 14 days public notice, has duly authorized
<br />thd execution and Llelivery of this [ndenture and the issuance
<br />hereunder oft.he Bonds upon and subject to the terms and con-
<br />.Jiti,;ns i\,?reinaf.ter set forth, for the purpose of ,nore udequately
<br />securing payment of the princiraL of and premiu1n, if any, and
<br />interDst ~n the Bon~s.