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e <br />SESSION XIV <br />=CE OF AOJUSI OF FATES <br />Upon the initial connection of any customer to the water/wastewater <br />system or upon the recamection of any new, caat to the <br />water/wastewater system, the Utility shall furnish, by moil, a notice <br />setting forth the rate schedule than in effect and further containing <br />the following statement: <br />"The water/Wastewater rates set forth herein have been <br />authorized pursuant to Indian River County Water/Wastewater <br />Franchise Resolution No, as mnended. Said <br />water/Wastewater rates are subject to adjustment pursuant to <br />said Resolution upon proper showing by the Utility. Said <br />rates are also subject to adjusbcent in the event the <br />water/wastewater franchise is teeminatoi and Indian River <br />County ttmmnces to furnish water/wastewater service to your <br />Pr111111ty <br />SEC£ICN %V <br />FATE SCHEDULE <br />The rates charged by the Utility for its service hereunder shall at <br />all times be cotensatory and shall be fair and reasonable and designed <br />to meet all necessary costa of the service, including a fair rate of <br />return on the fair valuation of its properties devoted thereto under <br />efficient and ecommLical manegerent. The Utility agrees that the Canty <br />has the authority to enter into this Franchise Agreement and the <br />regulation of said Utility. Utility agrees that it shall be subject to <br />all authority now or hereafter possessed by the Canty or any other <br />regulatory body having competent jurisdiction to fix just, reasonable <br />and oaRx:nsatory rates. Wnen this franchise takes effect, the Utility <br />shall have authority to charge and collect, but not to exceed, the <br />following schedule of rates and rate of return, as contained in "Exhibit <br />B" attached hereto, which shall remain effective until changed or <br />modified as herein provided. In setting said rates, the Canty shall be <br />guided by the standards set forth in Florida Statute 387.081 relating to <br />the establishnent of rates and chargee. In any event, the Utility shall <br />always be responsible for justifying its proposed rates and charges by <br />the submission of accounting and engineering data to the County Utilities <br />Director. The Canty shall grant rates to the Utility which are just, <br />reasonable and eapensatory, which allow the Utility a fair rate of <br />return on its property, systems and additions thereto. Fates and <br />charges may be mended, Wan proper justification by the Utility. other <br />provisions of this Ordinance deal with the mechanism, of the setting of <br />rates and charges. <br />