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RESOLUTION NO, 83-125 <br />A RESOLUTION MiARDING $2,400 ,00 0 INDUSTRIAL <br />DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS , SERIES 1983 <br />(FLORIDA HEALTij FACILITIES PROJECT ), OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT NEGOTIATED <br />SALE TO THE PURCHASER;· AND PROVIDING AN <br />EFFE.CTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, a resolution (h ereinafter called "Resolution") <br />of the Board of County Commissioners (h ereinafter called <br />"Governing Body '') of Indian River County, Florida (hereinafter <br />called "Issuer "), duly adopted on October 19, 1983, authorized <br />the iss uance of not exceeding $2,400,000 Industrial Development <br />Revenue Bonds , Series 1983 (Florida .Health Facilities Project ), <br />hereinafter called "Bonds," to provide for the acquisition and <br />construction of a capital project in the area of the Issuer; and <br />WHEREAS, the Bonds were validated and confirmed by final <br />judgment of .the Circuit Court, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, in <br />and for Indian River County, Florida; and <br />WHEREAS, Barnett Bank of Central Florida, N,A,, Orlando , <br />Florida (hereinafter called "Pu rchaser"), has offered to purchase <br />$2;400,000 aggregate principal amount of the Bonds at the price <br />of par, 'pursuant to the remaining terms of the Bond Purchase <br />Agreement attached hereto (hereinafter called "Bond Purchase <br />Agr·eement ") ; and <br />WHEREAS, the Resolution contains specific findi n gs as to <br />the reasons requiring a negotiated sale of the Bonds; and <br />WHEREAS, the Governing Body deems it necessary and <br />desirable at this time to award the Bonds at negotiated sale to <br />the Purchaser; now, therefore , <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAaD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA: <br />SECTION 1. AWARD OF BONDS. Th e Bonds, in the aggregate <br />principal amount of $2 ,400,000, are hereby awarded and sold to <br />the Purchaser at the price of par and upon the remaining terms <br />and conditions of the i3ond Purchase Agreement. The Governing <br />Body hereby authorizes and directs its Chairman to execute and <br />its Clerk to attest under the official seal of the Issuer, the <br />Bond Purchase Agree ment in substantially the form at tached hereto.