<br />1- Parties And Scope Of Work: Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter
<br />referred to as "AACE') shall include said company, its individual professionals, particular
<br />division, subsidiary or affiliate performing the Work. "Work" means the specific
<br />geotechnical, analytical, testing, environmental or other service to be performed by AACE
<br />as set forth in AACE's proposal, the Client's acceptance thereof, both incorporated herein
<br />by this reference, and these General Conditions. "Client" refers to the person or business
<br />entity ordering the Work to be done by AACE. If the client is ordering the Work on behalf
<br />of another, the Client represents and warrants that the Client is the duly authorized agent
<br />of said party for the purpose of ordering and directing said Work. Further, Client shall
<br />disclose any such agency relationship to AACE in writing before the commencement of
<br />AACE's Work hereunder. Client agrees that AACE's professional duties are specifically
<br />limited to the Work as set forth in AACE's proposal. The Client assumes sole responsibility
<br />for determining whether the quantity and the nature of the Work ordered by the Client is
<br />adequate and sufficient for the Client's intended purpose. Client shall communicate these
<br />General Conditions to each and every third parry to whom the Client transmits any part of
<br />AACE's Work. AACE's Work is for the exclusive use of Client, and its properly disclosed
<br />principal. In no event shall AACE have any duty or obligation to any third parry. The
<br />ordering of Work from AACE shall constitute acceptance of the terms ofAACE's proposal
<br />and these General Conditions.
<br />2 - Scheduling of Work: If AACE is required to delay commencement of the work, or if,
<br />upon embarking on its work, RACE is required to stop, delay or otherwise interrupt the
<br />progress ofwork as a result of changes in the scope ofwork requested by the client, to fulfill
<br />the requirements of third parties, interruptions in the progress of construction, or other
<br />causes beyond the exclusive reasonable control of AACE, additional charges will be
<br />applicable and payable by the Client.
<br />3 - Responsibility: AACE's work shall not include determining, supervising, or
<br />implementing the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction.
<br />AACE shall not be responsible for evaluating, reporting or affecting job conditions
<br />concerning health, safety or welfare. AACE's work or failure to perform same shall not in
<br />any way excuse any contractor, subcontractor or supplier from performance of its work in
<br />accordance with the contract documents.
<br />4 - Payment: Payment shall be due within 30 days after date of invoice. Interest at the rate
<br />of 18% per annum (or the highest rate allowable by law) from 30 days after date of invoice
<br />to date payment is received will be added to all amounts not paid within 30 days after date
<br />ofinvoice. All attorney fees and expenses associated with collection ofpast due invoices will
<br />be paid by Client.
<br />5 - Right -of -Entry: Unless otherwise agreed, Client will famish right -of -entry on the
<br />property for RACE to make the planned borings, surveys, and/or explorations. AACE will
<br />take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the property caused by its equipment
<br />and sampling procedures, but the cost of restoration or damage which may result from the
<br />planned operations is not included in the contracted amount. If Client desires to restore the
<br />property to its former condition, AACE will accomplish this and add the cost to its fee.
<br />6 - Damage to Existing Man-made Objects: It shall be the responsibility of the Owner
<br />or his duly authorized representative to disclose the presence and accurate location of all
<br />hidden or obscure man-made objects relative to field tests, sampling, or boring locations.
<br />When cautioned, advised or given data in writing that reveal the presence or potential
<br />presence of underground or overground obstructions, such as utilities, AACE will give
<br />special instructions to its field personnel. As evidenced by your acceptance of this proposal,
<br />Client agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless AACE from all claims, suits, losses,
<br />personal injuries, death and property liability resulting from subsurface conditions or
<br />damages to subsurface structures or man made objects, owned by Client or third parties,
<br />occurring in the performance of the proposed work, whose presence and exact locations
<br />were not revealed to AACE in writing, whether such claims or damages are caused in whole
<br />or in part by AACE, and agree to reimburse AACE for expenses in connection with any
<br />such claims or suits, including reasonable attorney's fees. Client's obligation to indemnify
<br />is limited to $1 million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable commercial
<br />relationship to the Work undertaken by AACE. Client further agrees that these general
<br />conditions are a part of the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any.
<br />7 - Warranty and Limitation of Liability: AACE shall perform services for Client in a
<br />professional manner, using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by and consistent
<br />with the standards of competent consultants practicing in the same or a similar locality as the
<br />project. In the event any portion of the services fails to comply with this warranty obligation
<br />and AACE is promptly notified in writing prior to one year after completion of such portion
<br />of the services, AACE will re -perform such portion of the services, or if re -performance is
<br />impracticable, AACE will refund the amount of compensation paid to AACE for such
<br />portion of the services.
<br />This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties. No other warranty, expressed or implied,
<br />including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose is made or
<br />intended by the proposal for consulting services, by furnishing an oral response of the
<br />findings made or by any representations made regarding the services included in this
<br />agreement. In no event shall AACE be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or
<br />consequential loss or delay or time -related damages. The remedies set forth herein are
<br />exclusive and the total liability of consultant whether in contract, tort (including negligence
<br />whether sole or concurrent), or otherwise arising out of, connected with or resulting from
<br />the services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed the total fees paid by
<br />Client or $50,000.00, whichever is greater. Client may, upon written request received within
<br />five days of Client's acceptance hereof, increase the limit of AACE's liability by agreeing to
<br />pay AACE an additional sum as agreed in writing prior to the commencement of AACE's
<br />services. This charge is not to be construed as being a charge for insurance of any type, but
<br />is increased consideration for the greater liability involved.
<br />For services involving or relating to pollution, it is further agreed that the Client shall
<br />indemnify and hold harmless AACE and their consultants, agents and employees from and
<br />against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct and indirect or consequential
<br />damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court and
<br />arbitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by RACE,
<br />or claims against AACE arising from the work of others. This indemnification provision
<br />extends to claims against AACE which arise out of, are related to, or are based upon, the
<br />disposal, discharge, escape, release or saturation of vapors, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic
<br />chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, irritant, contaminant or pollutant in or into
<br />the atmosphere or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface. Client's obligation
<br />to indemnify is limited to $1 million per occurrence, which Client agrees bears a reasonable
<br />commercial relationship to the Work undertaken by AACE. Client further agrees that
<br />these general conditions are a part of the Work's specifications or bid documents, if any.
<br />8 - Sampling or Testing Location: Unless specifically stated to the contrary, the fees
<br />included in this proposal do not include costs associated with professional land surveying
<br />of the site or the accurate horizontal and vertical locations of tests. Field tests or boring
<br />locations described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on specific
<br />information furnished to us by others or estimates made in the field by our technicians.
<br />Such dimensions, depths or elevations should be considered as approximations unless
<br />otherwise stated in the report.
<br />9 - Sample Handling and Retention: Generally test samples or specimens are consumed
<br />and/or substantially altered during the conduct of tests and RACE, at its sole discretion,
<br />will dispose (subject to the following) of any remaining residue immediately upon
<br />completion of test unless required in writing by the Client to store or otherwise handle the
<br />samples. (a) NON HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: At Client's written request, AACE will
<br />maintain preservable test samples and specimens or the residue therefrom for thirty (30)
<br />days after submission of AACE's report to Client free of storage charges. After the initial
<br />30 days and upon written request, AACE will retain test specimens or samples for a
<br />mutually acceptable storage charge and period of time. (b) HAZARDOUS OR
<br />POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SAMPLES: In the event that samples contain
<br />substances or constituents hazardous or detrimental to human health, safety or the
<br />environment as defined by federal, state or local statutes, regulations, or ordinances
<br />("Hazardous Substances" and "Hazardous Constituents", respectively), AACE will, after
<br />completion of testing and at Client's expense: (1) return such samples to Client; (it) using
<br />a manifest signed by Client as generator, will have such samples transported to a location
<br />selected by Client for final disposal. Client agrees to pay all costs associated with the
<br />storage, transport, and disposal of such samples. Client recognizes and agrees that AACE
<br />is acting as a bailee and at no time does AACE assume title of said waste.
<br />10 - Discovery of Unanticipated Hazardous Materials: Hazardous materials or certain
<br />types of hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe they
<br />could or should be present. AACE and Client agree that the discovery of unanticipated
<br />hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the
<br />scope of work or termination of services. AACE and Client also agree that the discovery
<br />of unanticipated hazardous materials may make it necessary for AACE to take immediate
<br />measures to protect health and safety. AACE agrees to notify Client as soon as practicable
<br />should unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials be encountered.
<br />Client encourages AACE to take any and all measures that, in AACE's professional
<br />opinion, are justified to preserve and protect the health and safety of AACE's personnel
<br />and the public. Client agrees to compensate AACE for the additional cost of working to
<br />protect employees' and the public's health and safety. In addition, Client waives any claim
<br />against AACE, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save AACE harmless from any claim
<br />or liability for injury or loss arising from AACE's discovery of unanticipated hazardous
<br />materials or suspected hazardous materials. Client also agrees to compensate AACE for
<br />any time spent and expenses incurred by RACE in defense of any such claim, with such
<br />compensation to be based upon AACE's prevailing fee schedule and expense
<br />reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs.
<br />11- joint and Several Liability: The concept of joint and several liability is basically this:
<br />When two or more parties are considered responsible for causing injury or damage, anyone
<br />of the parties may be made to provide compensation for as much as 100% of the damages
<br />assessed. When applied to hazardous materials projects, it is possible that the concept of
<br />joint and several liability could be construed to make AACE partly or wholly responsible
<br />for damages created directly or indirectly by the hazardous materials. Client agrees that it
<br />would be unfair for AACE to be exposed to such an action, because AACE had nothing
<br />whatsoever to do with the creation of the hazardous condition. Accordingly, Client waives
<br />any claim against AACE, and agrees to defend, indemnify and save AACE harmless from
<br />any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from application of a joint and several liability
<br />concept that would, in any manner, hold or seek to hold AACE responsible for creating
<br />a hazardous condition or permitting one to exist. Client also agrees to compensate AACE
<br />for any time spent and expenses incurred by AACE in defense of any such claim, with such
<br />compensation to be based upon AACE's prevailing fee schedule and expense
<br />reimbursement policy relative to recovery of direct project costs.
<br />12 - Legal jurisdiction: The parties agree that any actions brought to enforce any
<br />provision of this Agreement shall only be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction
<br />located in St. Lucie County, Florida. All causes of action arising out of AACE's Work shall
<br />be deemed to have accrued and the applicable statutes of limitation shall commence to run
<br />not later than either the date of substantial completion of the Work for acts or failures to
<br />act occurring prior to substantial completion, or the date of issuance of final payment for
<br />acts or failures to act occurring after substantial completion of the Work.
<br />13 - Force Majeure: RACE shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in
<br />performance of any part of this Agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by
<br />fire, flood, explosion, war, strike, embargo, government requirement, civil or military
<br />authority, acts of God, act or omission of subcontractors, carriers, client or other similar
<br />causes beyond its control.
<br />