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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final March 3, 2023 <br />6. ADJOURNMENT <br />Aye: 3 - Chairman Earman, Commissioner Flescher, and Commissioner Loar <br />Nay: 2 - Vice Chairman Adams, and Commissioner Moss <br />Mr. Baenziger distributed ballots to the Board to vote for either Mr. Rosenthal or <br />Mr. Matson for the second finalist with the following results: <br />Adams Earman Flescher Loar Moss Total <br />Matson 1 1 2 <br />Rosenthal 1 1 1 3 <br />5 <br />Chairman Earman announced that Mr. Rosenthal would move into the finals with <br />Mr. Titkanich and the Board agreed to wait until the March 7, 2023 Board <br />meeting to make their selection for the County Administrator position. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Adams, seconded by Commissioner <br />Moss, to approve the Board to make their final decision for the County <br />Administrator position at the Board's regular meeting on March 7, 2023, <br />between the top two finalists: Mr. Don Rosenthal and Mr. John Titkanich. The <br />motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Earman, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner Loar, and Commissioner Moss <br />Chairman Earman thanked the Board, Interim County Administrator Zito, Human <br />Resources Director Suzanne Boyll, and staff for all their work. There being no further <br />business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:13 p.m. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 6 <br />