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1. The Utility shall at all times maintain public liability and <br />property damage insurance in such amounts as set forth in, to wit: <br />Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein. <br />40 <br />2. The Utility shall cause the County to be duly notified by the <br />insurer in the event of any modifications or deletions of the insurance <br />as ret forty: –, said M.:h.,bit "C". vain oua x-.tts L11I be adjub&c by the <br />Utility, as shall be required from time to time by the Board in <br />accurdance with goad business practices as determined by safe business <br />• standards as established by the Board for the protection of the County <br />and the general public and for any liability which may result from any <br />action of the Utility. <br />CONSLIM MVIAMNI s <br />If any written complaint is filed with the Board by any persons <br />serviced by the Utility under this franchise, the Board shall first <br />determine whether reasonable cause exists with respect to said <br />.carr, l :int. If the BBoard firids ieasonabie cause does exist, the Board <br />shall so notify the Utility and request the T'tility to satisfy or remedy <br />such ooaplaint. If the Utility fails, within a re&sA a`vie time, to <br />satisfy or remedy such casplaint or objection, the Hoard may review same <br />according to the provisions hereof. If the Board enters its order <br />pursuant to such hersing and the Utility feels it is aggrieved by such <br />order, the Utility may seek review of the Board's action by petition for <br />Writ of Certiorari filed in the Circuit Court of the County; otherwise <br />t — utility Sharr.0 �t`.iy cxW!y with the order' of the Hoard. <br />SFMCN YX <br />CHANGE IN RATE SCHEDULE <br />Should the Utility desire to establish rates and charges or should <br />the Utility desire to increase any charges heretofore established and <br />pmrrxvui }+1� t}len..,..„"d, tT"ca, 4-- Uti—Y shall notify the hoard in <br />writing, setting forth the schedule of rates and charges which it <br />proposes. The Utility shall pay any rate stvcture review fee as the <br />County may then have in effect and shall furnish the County with all <br />information requested by the County that is pertinent to the proposed <br />new rate schedule. A public hearing shall then be held on such request, <br />of which notice shall be given by publication in a aper regularly <br />published in said County at least one tine not more than one month or <br />less than one week preceding such hearing. Certified proof of <br />publication of such notice shall be filed with the Board. Said hearing <br />.. y thereafter be continued fora reGona�le time as determined by the <br />Board. If the Board enters an order pursuant to such hearing and the <br />Utility feels aggrieved by such order, then Utility may seek review of <br />13 <br />