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Last modified
4/27/2023 10:04:36 AM
Creation date
4/27/2023 10:04:15 AM
Resolution Number
Approved Date
Authorizing an increase in rates granted in Res. 1973-83 & providing for certain
modifications to the Franchise Agreement known as the "Evelyn R. Neville, Inc. Sewer Francise"
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is based, and that the change will not cause the Ccnpany to exceed the <br />® range of its last authorized rate of return. <br />(c) If, within 24 months of an adjustment in the rates as <br />authorized by this subsection, the Board shall find that a utility did <br />thereby exceed the range of its last authorized rate of return, it may <br />40 order the utility to refund the difference to the rate payers. This <br />provision shall not be construed to require a bond or corporate <br />undertaking not otherwise required. <br />(d) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no <br />utility may adjust its rates under this subsection more than two times <br />in any 12 nunth period. <br />0 FRANCHISE FEE <br />1. The Ccnpany hereby agrees to pay to the County a franchise fee <br />in the amount of six percent (6%) of the Company's annual gross receipts <br />or operating costs (which includes the rate of return.) in the event <br />Conpany does not have a rate schedule (or the sum of five hundred <br />dollars ($500), whichever is greater), derived from Mnthly service <br />charges to defray the cost of regulation and for use of County <br />rights-oi-way and public places. The Conpany shall pay the 6% franchise <br />fee quarterly. Said fee shall be shown as a separate additional charge <br />on utility bills. <br />2. The Ccnpany shall supply the County with a copy of its annual <br />report and financial statements. All records and all accounting of. <br />CaTany shall be in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts of <br />the National Association of Regulatory Utilities Comttissioners and <br />general accepted accounting principles. Within ninety (90) days after <br />close of fiscal year, the Coapany shall submit financial statements <br />prepared by a CPA and in accordance with general accepting accounting <br />standards and NARUC. Upon demand by the Board the Company will submit <br />audited financial statements certified by a CPA. Also, a letter from a <br />CPA certifying that the six percent (6%) franchise fee and the two and <br />one-half percent (22%) renewal and replacement account has been <br />collected and disbursed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. <br />RENEWAL & REPLACEMRU ACCOUNT <br />1. Two and one if percent (22%) of the gross revenues (or $100 <br />whichever is greater) of the Company shall be placed in an interest <br />bearing renewal and replacement account for purposes of renewal and/or <br />replacement of the capital assets of the water and/or wastewater system <br />of the Ccnpany. Additionally, the Conpany shall initially fund said <br />account with one thousand dollars ($1000) to be deposited with the <br />County Finance Department which will also be reserved for capital <br />maintenance items. Interest shall accLumlate and remain in said account <br />annually. Said funds shall be used as a sinking fund and applied only <br />for renewal and/or replacement of the water and/or wastewater system by <br />the Company as the need arises; the percentage required to be placed in <br />the renewal and replacement account may be amended after review by the <br />County as necessary to maintain a sufficient account balance taking into <br />account the general condition of the system. The County is granted the <br />right to make necessary repairs using said funds in the event of default <br />on the part of the Conpany in maintaining the quality standards <br />established herein. <br />2. Should the County terminate the franchise for cause, the <br />renewal and replacement fund shall vest in the County. <br />Section XII. Section 15 of Resolution M. 73-83 is hereby amended <br />by adding the following paragraph: <br />SECPION 15 <br />The Company shall supply the County with an annual report of <br />operations and maintenance certified by the Conpany Engineer who must be <br />registered in the State of Florida. <br />
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