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Commissioner Eggert stressed that the developer cannot build <br />and let the building sit empty and expect to get tax abatement. <br />The developer must get that tenant into the building before <br />receiving any tax abatement. <br />County Attorney Vitunac interjected that the developer has to <br />build after an ordinance is adopted by the Board; therefore, if a <br />developer builds a spec building, it would not qualify. <br />Commissioner Bird complimented Commissioner Eggert for her <br />efforts and the many members of the Economic Development Council <br />and Chamber of Commerce for attending today to show their support. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if anyone had interviewed other counties' <br />business leaders and CEOs in order to determine how they rate these <br />incentives. <br />Commissioner Eggert thought Economic Development Council <br />member James Wellman had spoken eloquently about the need for an <br />incentive package. <br />Chairman Adams pointed out that, interestingly enough, the <br />number one attraction was and still is county cooperation. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Macht, to approve staff's <br />recommendation as set forth in the memorandum. <br />Commissioner Tippin voiced his 100% support and declared that <br />the unanimous support for economic diversification was very <br />exciting. He added that things have changed in industrial <br />development, it has become very competitive. <br />Commissioner Bird stressed the importance of having the voters <br />approve this in November. He asked the game plan for better <br />education of the voters. <br />Commissioner Eggert promised to stay out of the hospital. <br />Also, she felt there was very good cooperation between the Chamber <br />of Commerce, a number of members of the business community, and the <br />County to plan it. She agreed when Commissioner Macht interjected <br />that we now have a dynamic Chamber of Commerce. <br />Chairman Adams asked if a developer who builds a spec <br />warehouse will be prevented (after leasing it to a viable company) <br />from getting the tax abatement. <br />County Attorney Vitunac advised that the developer would have <br />had to bring in the applicant prior to building for the Board to <br />approve the tax exemption for that industry. <br />Chairman Adams inquired if existing buildings were excluded <br />from the abatement benefit, and County Attorney Vitunac responded <br />36 <br />May 14, 1996 <br />