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Z <br />I I. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 86-22 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR IMPOSITION <br />OF LOCAL OPTION FEE FOR NON-RECURRING CHARGES FOR SERVICE <br />OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR THE EXPANSION OF "911" <br />SERVICE; PROVIDXNG FOR COLLECTION OF SAID FEE AND PAYMENT <br />OF ADMINISTRATIVE FEE FOR COLLECTION; PROVIDING THAT <br />COUNTY REMAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL "911" SERVICE AND <br />EQUIPMENT CHARGES. <br />WHEREAS, in 1980, Indian River County established <br />within its boundaries an Emergency "911" telephone service; and <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Statute Section 365.177.(13) <br />provides that a County may impose and collect a fee for <br />non-recurring charges for the establishment and expansion of "911" <br />service and equipment, to be paid by the local exchange subscribers <br />on an individual exchange line basis, at a rate not to exceed fifty <br />cents (50t) per month per line, up to a maximum of 25 exchange <br />lines, for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: <br />SECTION 1 <br />STATEMENT OF INTENT <br />The establishment and expansion of the existing "911" <br />system in Indian River County, Florida is declared to be a public <br />purpose and for the benefit of the citizens of Indian River County, <br />as well as for visitors to the County. <br />SECTION 2 <br />LOCAL OPTION FEE ESTABLISHED <br />A. There is hereby imposed a Local Option Fee for <br />non-recurring charges for the expansion of "911" service, including <br />any equipment which may be necessary, in the amount of fifty cents <br />(50t) per month per exchange line, up to a maximum of 25 exchange <br />lines, to be paid by local exchange subscribers in Indian River <br />County, Florida, for a period of eighteen (18) consecutive months, <br />beginning June 1, 1986 <br />-1- <br />