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) I r.G(\t'm) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 86-34 (a) <br />RESOLUTION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA TO THE CHIEF JUDGE OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL <br />CIRCUIT CONCERNING CREATING A "FAST-TRACK <br />COVMITTEE 11 TO RELIEVE PRISON OVERCROWDING <br />WHEREAS, to settle a lawsuit Indian River County <br />and the Florida Department of Corrections have entered into <br />a stipulation concerning the maximum number of prisoners <br />which may be kept in the county jai I; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties agreed that in the event of <br />overcrowding, a "Fast-Track Committee" wi Ii be appointed to <br />determine which prisoners can best be released without <br />jeopardizing the public health, safety and welfare; and <br />WHEREAS, there exists a serious overcrowding now, <br />such that the "Fast-Track Committee" needs to be formed; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the Board of <br />County Conrnissioners of Indian River County that the Chief <br />Judge of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit is respectfully <br />requested to participate with the county in creating a <br />"Fast-Track Committee": (1) to be composed of the Chief <br />Judge of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, or his designee; a <br />representative of the Indian River County State's Attorney <br />office; a representative of the Indian River County Pub I ic <br />Defender's office; the Indian River County Jai I Administra­ <br />tor, or his designee; and, two private citizens appointed <br />at-large by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County; and (2) the "Fast-Track Committee" shal I meet <br />on an as needed basis unti I the new Indian River County <br />Detention Facility is fully operational, to determine and <br />recornnend which inmates, if any, must be relensed or <br />transferred to another program under the terms of this <br />agreement, in order to maintain the population of the Indian <br />River County Detention Faci I ity within the authorized state <br />capacity.