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A RESOLIJF I ON PFOV I D I NG FOR T1IE AOQU I S I T I ON AND ODNSTWCT1 ION <br />OF ADD I T I ONS , FXTENS I ONS AND I MPFJ AMENTS TO THE Om3 I NEI) <br />WATER rVD SE-IVER SYSTEM OF INDIAN RIVER O: t4W , FLORIDA; <br />A MIOR I Z I % THE ISSUANCE BY SlJC7-i OakITY OF NOT FXCEED I NG <br />$9,200,000 %%TER AND SEWER REVENUE BODS, SERIES 1986, TO <br />F I NANCF `111E OOST THEREOF; PI k ri I NG THE CfdI)SS REMENL E.S OF <br />SUCH SYSTEM TO SECURE PAW04T OF T[ -IE PR I NC I PAL OF AJ1,D <br />INTEREST ON SUO-I BOPDS ; PFM I D I NG FOR THE R I GrFS OF -ITIS <br />I-iOLDERS OF SUCH 13014TS; MW I NG CERTAIN OgVh7`WffF) AND <br />AGREEMEI'JTS IN OJNNECTION THEREWITH; Pi'WIDING FCR RELATED <br />Fv1ATTERS; AND PFOV I D 1 IC AN EFFECTIVE LATE. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY TI -IE DDI OF OJJMY QOtvtvl I SS I ONERS OF INDIAN R I VER <br />0314 Y, FLORIDA, as follows: <br />ARTICLE I <br />nr_n iron i <br />1.01 Definitions. When used in this Instrunent, the following terms <br />shall have the following meanings, and the tenns defined in the Original <br />Resolution shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Original Resolution, <br />unless the context clearly otherwise requires: <br />"Bond" or "Bonds" shall man the obligation or obligations of the <br />Issuer authorized to be issued pursuant to Section 2.01 of this Instrurrant. <br />"Construction Fund" shall man the fund or funds created pursuant to <br />Section 3.03 of this Instrunent for the purpose of receiving Bond proceeds and <br />other funds to pay the Cost of the Project. <br />"Cost," when used in connection with the Protect, shall man all <br />expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the acquisition arxi <br />construction of the Project, including, without limitation, the cost of any larxi <br />