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pattern in the area has caused a great amount of concern among <br />the residents of Winter Beach as to the future pattern of growth <br />in their community. <br />Major Issues in the Winter Beach Area <br />Much of the concern of the Winter Beach community is due to <br />the commercial and industrial zoning along U.S. Highway #1. This <br />zoning has provided the opportunity for heavy commercial uses <br />such as warehouses, tire stores, and storage yards to locate <br />adjacent to existing single-family residences. There is virtual- <br />ly no residential zoning in the U.S. Highway #1 Mixed -Use Corri- <br />dor in Winter Beach, and the residents are "concerned about the <br />future of their residential areas. <br />This detailed land use plan will attempt to set guidelines <br />for the protection of existing residential uses while providing <br />an opportunity for future economic growth in the Winter Beach <br />Area. <br />The Winter Beach Area Precise Land Use Plan includes a <br />demographic profile of the Winter Beach Area; a descriptive <br />analysis of existing zoning and land use patterns; maps illus- <br />trating existing land use, zoning, and comprehensive land use <br />designations; and a description of the needs and constraints of <br />the Winter Beach Area based on existing conditions. The plan <br />also includes results of meetings held with the Winter Beach <br />Progressive League concerning existing conditions and proposed <br />changes to the zoning within the MXD, Mixed -Use District, in the <br />Winter Beach Area. Finally, a detailed land -use proposal and <br />recommendation is made in the form of a "Precise Land -Use Map" <br />(PLUM) for the Winter Beach Area. This PLUM delineates all <br />proposed land uses and related zoning changes. The PLUM is <br />accompanied by written descriptions of the proposed changes and <br />provides rationale for the proposed zoning changes, especially <br />within the mixed-use district. It is recommended that the Board <br />of County Commissioners adopt this detailed land use plan by <br />resolution in order to provide a framework for tong -range plan- <br />ning and future development control in the Winter Beach Area. <br />7 <br />