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r, <br />UTION NO. 86- 6. <br />A RESOLUTION ALM IOR I Z I NG TI IE I SSLMICE OF NOT EXCEM I N 1 <br />$9,200,000 MTER AND SEMUR REi/B$JE FU DS, SERIES 1986, <br />MTICIPATION NOTES OF INDIAN RIVER O`7 KTY, FL -CR IDA; <br />PFMIDING FOR THE PAYM JT-RIEREOF Atm THE SEQJRITY THEREFOR; <br />PFCM I D I NG FOR TIRE R I CH'S OF 111E HOLDERS OF S(JQ I NOTES; <br />W. I NG CMA I N aND AN S AND AGREWaITS IN M VECT l ON <br />Tl iERE_W I TH ; PRYN I D I NG R -P RELATED MATTERS; MID P[M I D I NG AN <br />E FFECT I SIE f NTE . <br />TIE IT RESOLVED BY 11-111 BCAM OF QOl) M OWVI I SS I ONERS OF I I' D I AN R I VER <br />COXTY, FLCRILSA, as follows: <br />SECTIM 1. DEFINITIONS. The terms and phrases defined in this <br />Section, for all purposes of this Resolution, shall have the meanings herein <br />specified, unless the context clearly otherwise requires: <br />"Board" means the governing body of the Issuer. <br />"3onds" means the VvIater and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1986 of the <br />Issuer, in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $9,200,000, authorized <br />under to the Bonds Enabling Resolution. <br />"Bonds Enabling Resolution" means Resolution No. 36-35 , adopted by <br />the Issuer on June 18, 1986, authorizing the issuance of the [3onds. <br />"Clerk" means the Clerk of the hoard of County Comnissloners of the <br />Issuer. <br />"Construction Fund" means the special fund created under Section 3.03 <br />of the Bonds Enabling Resolution. <br />"Cost", when used in connection with the Project, means and includes <br />all expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the acquisition and <br />construction of the Project, including, without limitation, the cost of any land <br />or interest therein or of any fixtures, equiTn)ent or personal property necessary <br />or convenient therefor; the cost of labor and materials to c(xq-)lete such <br />